----------------------------------------------------------------------------- U P G R A D I N G I N T E R C H A N G E Interchange is designed to be drop-in compatible in its major version. Briefly summarized, here's what you can expect when upgrading from the following versions: 5.12.x -- The minimum supported Perl version is now 5.16.3. 5.10.x -- A minor bug was fixed in an edge-case usage of the [area] tag which could result in incompatibility if your code relies on the buggy behaviour. -- Month and year adjustments introduced in 5.7 had a bug where adjusting the month to one where the target date doesn't exist caused the day to roll over into the following month (ex: May 31st - 1 month became May 1st instead of April 30th) and similarily with leapday year adjustments (Feb 29th, 2016 + 1 year), this was fixed to adjust to the last day of the correct month instead of rolling over into the next month. If your code relies on the old behavior please update it. 5.6.x -- Perl 5.8.8 or newer is now generally required to run Interchange. See "Known Issues" below. 5.4.x -- A number of incompatible changes were made. Most of them will be simple to deal with, but please consult the list below in the "Known Issues" section. Your code will almost certainly fail to work properly until you make the necessary changes described! 5.2.x -- There should be few to no compatibility issues in upgrading from Interchange 5.2.x. 5.0.x -- There should be few to no compatibility issues in upgrading from Interchange 5.0.x. 4.8.x -- There should be only a few issues in upgrading from 4.8.x; known issues are shown below. The major change is in the admin UI, and you will have a distinctly different look and feel in that area. Most people find it an improvement. 4.6.x -- Upgrading from 4.6.x and before is problematic if you rely on the admin UI -- particularly if you have customized it. The public- facing side should be fairly straightforward to port. See "UPGRADING FROM 4.6.x" below. BEFORE 5.7.2 -- A security vulnerability has been found that allows remote searching of any table in your database configured in Interchange. To fix this vulnerability, you may need to make some adjustments to your catalog. See "REMOTE SEARCHING" below. INSTALLING INTERCHANGE IN THE SAME LOCATION -------------------------------------------- NOTE: All below procedures assume you have installed in /usr/local/interchange -- substitute paths as appropriate. WARNING: BACK UP EVERYTHING BEFORE YOU START! 1. Make a tar backup of your Interchange software directory, e.g. tar czvf ~/ic_backup.tar.gz /usr/local/interchange 2. Unpack the new version of the software to a temporary directory, and change to that directory. tar xzf interchange-5.x.x.tar.gz cd interchange-5.x.x 3. You can see the section below, "TO TEST BEFORE YOU UPGRADE", if you want to try it out before you switch your running catalog. 4. Install it to the same location as your current software: ## Create the makefile perl Makefile.PL ## Make the software make ## Test -- if this fails, don't worry too much. make test ## Install the software make install 5. You don't need to run makecat again!!! 6. Restart Interchange. That's it. Verify your catalog's operation, and you are live. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- K N O W N I S S U E S KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.10.x 1. A bug was fixed in the [area] tag where if you previously passed a fully qualified URL as the href and used the form attribute then the protocol://domain portion of the URL would get overwritten by the one in VendUrl. If your code relies on this buggy behaviour you need to fix it. 2. The [email-raw] tag now recognizes/uses MV_EMAIL_CHARSET to convert any current Unicode data. If you have already worked around how [email-raw] handles Unicode data and currently use MV_EMAIL_CHARSET, you will need to revisit/remove your own handling. KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.6.x 1. Perl 5.8.5 (unthreaded) or Perl 5.8.8 (threaded) or newer is now required. 2. The AdminUser configuration directive has been removed. 3. In PostgreSQL 8.3 many implicit type casts were removed, some of which Interchange or your code may have relied on. You may find that some features in the Standard demo and some Interchange core SQL may not work with PostgreSQL 8.3 or newer, though recent testing with PostgreSQL 9.2 did not reveal any problems. If you run into problems, the easiest way to get things working is to manually put back any removed casts that you need. The included eg/pg83-implicit-casts.sql script fixes the known problems with the Standard demo. 4. Digest::SHA from CPAN is now a recommended module. If it is not available, Digest::SHA1 will still be used as a fallback. KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.5.2 1. Several old versions of CPAN modules were distributed in the extra/ directory but have been removed: Business::UPS - part of Bundle::InterchangeKitchenSink File::Spec - now distributed with Perl itself Tie::ShadowHash - part of Bundle::Interchange URI::URL - part of Bundle::Interchange If you find Interchange won't start up, check to make sure you have all the necessary Perl modules. 2. We have removed the option available in some polymorphs of the database abstraction layer's set_slice() routine that allowed key/value pairs to be passed in as a simple array. For example, this will no longer work: $db->set_slice($key, $field1, $value1) But it can be rewritten as this, which has long worked: $db->set_slice($key, [$field1], [$value1]) 3. The syntax of the custom SQL function for counters has changed. At the time of the feature's introduction on 2007-11-17, the syntax was e.g.: UserDB default sql_counter "userdb:custom_counter('userdb_username_seq')" That conflicted with MySQL pseudo-sequence functionality that used the same syntax. The new syntax does not conflict and has the benefit of being more generic, allowing any SELECT statement: UserDB default sql_counter "userdb:SELECT custom_counter('userdb_username_seq')" KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.5.1 SpecialSub catalog_init has been renamed to request_init. UserTrack now defaults to "no", so if you want the X-Track HTTP response header to be output, add "UserTrack yes" to your catalog.cfg. UserTrack also no longer affects TrackFile, so if you don't want TrackFile output, you should not have a TrackFile directive in catalog.cfg. KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.4.x Check the "special_pages/missing.html" file, in all of your Interchange-driven websites, for a line that looks like the following: [if type=explicit compare="q{[subject]} =~ m{^admin/}"] If found then replace with the following two lines: [tmpn missing_subject][subject][/tmpn] [if scratch missing_subject =~ /^admin/] Perl 5.8.0 or newer is now required. Running with threads is still not recommended for production installations, but is allowed under Perl 5.8.5 or newer. The long-deprecated [sql] tag has been removed. You'll likely want to rewrite queries to use the [query] tag. The ConfigParseComments directive has been removed, and Interchange now behaves as if "ConfigParseComments No" has been specified. That means that no configuration file line beginning with # will be parsed, including #ifdef, #include, etc., as was done in the past. Bare ifdef, include, etc. must now be used. Global ActionMaps: Previously, the path passed to a global ActionMap did not include the action itself, but the path passed to a catalog ActionMap did include the action. This discrepancy was annoying to keep track of. Now both kinds of ActionMaps receive a path that includes the action. This means that all global ActionMap code will need to be updated to deal with the action. Most simply, you can strip off the action at the beginning of the sub something like this: ActionMap your_action <. You should now just use in HTML instead. The various *Robot* directives have been split from the interchange.cfg file into a new robots.cfg file. If you are upgrading then you will need to remove any existing *Robot* directives from your interchange.cfg file and add "include robots.cfg" in their place. A new subdomains.cfg file has been created, and should be included into your interchange.cfg file with "include subdomains.cfg". This file defines a list of country-specific standardised subdomains that should be taken into account when the DomainTail directive is in effect. The session per IP counters have been changed to the new "timecard" round-robin style counters. You will need to delete the old counter files from the tmp/addr_ctr directory with a command similar to the following: rm -rf catroot/tmp/addr_ctr/* ...be careful with the above command. If mistyped it can seriously mess up your filesystem. The [error] and [formel] tags now make use of the following CSS class, that will need to be added to your CSS file: .mv_contrast { color: #FF0000; } The name of the class can be specified using the CSS_CONTRAST Variable, or will default to "mv_contrast". KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.2.x None. KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 5.0.x None. KNOWN ISSUES UPGRADING FROM 4.8.x Interchange is designed to be compatible between major versions, and for the most part a catalog designed under Interchange 4.8 should be compatible with 5.0. More information on upgrades is available in the document icupgrade, part of the Interchange documentation package. UPGRADE NOTES FOR FOUNDATION-STYLE CATALOGS ------------------------------------------- * Add a new column "extended" to products/mv_metadata.asc. This just involves adding a TAB and "extended" to the end of the first line of the file. * If MV_COUNTRY_FIELD was in use to determine the country for tax purposes, then that setting needs to be changed to MV_COUNTRY_TAX_VAR. * Remove variables UI_IMAGE_DIR and UI_IMAGE_DIR_SECURE or point them to the new location, e.g. replace /interchange/ with /interchange-5/. * If you didn't follow Interchange's SKU naming convention for Matrix options, and assigned them arbitrary part numbers, or you hand-edited the options table, you may find that your product options don't work. You should post the question to the user mail list or contact a competent Interchange consultant at: https://www.interchangecommerce.org/i/dev/support/index * You will probably receive a message about "history-scan tag overrides global definition". See the section "PROBLEMS WITH USERTAGS" below. * The static-page build capability is no longer supported in Interchange 5. You will receive warnings about "Directive StaticPath no longer supported at line XXX". To stop these warnings, remove the NoCache directive and any directive beginning with "Static" from your catalog.cfg file. In the standard-style catalog, these are all located near each other. If you use the static page build facility, there are other means of accomplishing the same thing with scripts. Contact a competent Interchange consultant to get help: https://www.interchangecommerce.org/i/dev/support/index * See the section "PROBLEMS WITH USERTAGS" below. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TO TEST BEFORE YOU UPGRADE -------------------------- YOU SHOULD STILL BACK UP, and in addition it is recommended you back up your catalog. While the new server should not impact your running catalog beyond normal catalog interaction for orders, statistics, userdb, and such, it is not outside of the realm of possiblity that something could happen. It should not happen in a catalog that is based on Foundation and not heavily customized (i.e. using global UserTag routines). 1. Install the new Interchange 5.x.x in /usr/lib/interchange-5.x.x using the procedure from the README.md file. 2. Make /usr/lib/interchange-5.x.x/interchange.cfg match your /usr/lib/interchange.cfg. Note that there may be new options; but the existing one should work if you just copy it. 3. Run bin/compile_link: cd /usr/lib/interchange-5 bin/compile_link -p 7787 NOTE: If you use the INET mode linking method, you have to run the test server on a different port. Assuming you use the standard 7786 on your live catalog, you would add to interchange.cfg: TcpMap localhost:7787 After running compile_link, you should see four new files in the /usr/lib/interchange-5.x.x/src: -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8088 Oct 3 09:59 tlink -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8088 Oct 3 09:59 tlink.localhost.7787 -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7704 Oct 3 09:59 vlink -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 7704 Oct 3 09:59 vlink._usr_lib_interchange_5_etc_socket 4. Note the Catalog lines in your interchange.cfg: EXAMPLE: Catalog standard /var/lib/interchange/standard /cgi-bin/standard You should comment out all but the one you want to test. 5. Change the /cgi-bin/standard script link name to /cgi-bin/test5. EXAMPLE: Catalog standard /var/lib/interchange/standard /cgi-bin/test5 6. Copy the src/vlink (UNIX mode) or src/tlink (INET mode) link executable to your CGI directory and name it "test5", i.e. EXAMPLE: cp -p src/vlink /var/www/cgi-bin/test5 7. IMPORTANT: Make sure its permissions match the permissions on your running 4.x catalog! You may have to make it SUID, i.e.: EXAMPLE: chmod u+s /var/www/cgi-bin/test5 That should only be done if you are in UNIX mode and your current link program is SUID. 8. Add this line to the /usr/lib/interchange-5/interchange.cfg file: Variable TEST_SERVER 1 9. Copy any *custom* global UserTag files to the usertag/ directory. Do not copy any that were distributed with Interchange if you did not modify them. 10. Copy the new Interchange image and CSS files to the interchange-5 subdirectory in your document root, i.e.: EXAMPLE: cp -r /usr/lib/interchange-5/share/interchange \ /var/www/html/interchange-5 11. Modify your /var/lib/interchange/standard/catalog.cfg file to point the URLs to the test server if appropriate by placing at the end: ifdef @TEST_SERVER Variable CGI_URL /cgi-bin/test5 Variable UI_IMAGE_DIR /interchange-5/ Variable UI_IMAGE_DIR_SECURE /interchange-5/ ## This ensures the UI image directory will be set properly Pragma dynamic_variables_file_only VendURL http://__SERVER_NAME____CGI_URL__ SecureURL https://__SERVER_NAME____CGI_URL__ endif 12. Start the new interchange server: /usr/lib/interchange-5/bin/restart At that point, your catalog should be running on both Interchange 5 and Interchange 4. Test thoroughly and then upgrade. Note that the UI will be significantly changed, and that all features of the UI may not be supported by your old catalog. The customer-facing side should function in much the same way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPGRADING FROM 4.6.x The public-facing side of a 4.6.x catalog is fairly straightforward to port. The Admin UI is problematic, particularly if you have customized it. You should be able to update a catalog from 4.6.x if you are reasonably proficient in Perl and/or Interchange. If you expect to rely on the backend admin UI, it is sometimes better to build a new catalog from scratch, and integrate your look and feel with that. Contact a competent Interchange consultant to help: https://www.interchangecommerce.org/i/dev/support/index That being said, here are some of the issues. If you have this line in interchange.cfg: #include usertag/* You should change it to: include usertag/*.tag (The leading # sign is no longer needed). If you have created any other UserTag definitions you will need to either rename the file to add a .tag extension, or include them explicitly like: include usertag/my_tag See the "problems with UserTags" section, below. If you use CyberCash, you should replace these lines in catalog.cfg Variable CYBER_MODE mauthonly Variable CYBER_CONFIGFILE /path/to/your/merchant_conf with Variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE cybercash Variable MV_PAYMENT_CONFIGFILE /path/to/your/merchant_conf There is one security change that can break constructs that ran under 4.6.x. safe_data=1 If you had a database object which contained ITL tags and they now show up as [itl-tag arg=val], then you probably need to add the safe-data=1 parameter around your [loop ...] or [query ...] construct. The reason this change was made was the capability of Interchange to directly enter user submissions into a database. If the user put in something in [square brackets], knowingly or even unknowingly, it could cause anomalous or insecure behavior. (There were no known exploits in the demo, but they could easily be constructed.) PROBLEMS WITH USERTAGS ---------------------- You may see the following error/warning messages when you (re)start Interchange: 1. Duplicate usertag xxxx found. This message is most likely to mean that you have a global "usertags" directory included from your interchange.cfg file. Interchange 4.9 has a new location (code/UserTag) for global UserTags. Your old globals may "clash" with the new ones. Delete the old usertags that are named in the error messages. As always, it is recommended that you back up everything before you start. This message will also be raised if Interchange notices two local UserTags with the same name. If this is detected then rename or delete one of the two UserTags. 2. Local usertag xxxx overrides global definition. This message is most likely to refer to your local history_scan UserTag. If you have this tag definition in your catalog.cfg file then you may safely delete it; Interchange 4.9 includes this as a global UserTag. This message will also be raised if you have created a local UserTag and have given it a name identical to one of the global tags (SystemTag, UserTags, UI_Tag etc.) The message is only a warning as your local UserTag will override the global one. If you didn't mean to override the global tag of the same name then simply rename your tag and restart Interchange. REMOTE SEARCHING ---------------- A security vulnerability was recently discovered where any table configured in your Interchange installation could be viewed remotely by an unauthenticated user via a specially crafted search request. This is a serious vulnerability, and all previous versions of Interchange are affected. Even if you do not use the default search structure, your catalog is likely to still be vulnerable. To resolve this, a new configuration option, AllowRemoteSearch has been introduced. It should be specified in each catalog configuration, and defaults to: AllowRemoteSearch products variants options Any table specified in this option will be remotely searchable, and you should not permit any table with sensitive information to be searched in this way. You should carefully consider the implications of adding any further tables to this configuration option. Remote searches may be used by your existing catalog. These should continue working without any changes as long as they only search tables that are permitted by the AllowRemoteSearch configuration. You should carefully examine your catalog for uses of the "search" form action, or pages which submit a form to a page called "search" or "scan". If they specify a search file other than products, variants or options, you should consider rewriting that page to just accept the search terms via CGI parameters, and not the entire search. Please consult the documentation on in page searches at: https://www.interchangecommerce.org/interchange-doc-5.2.0/icdatabase.html#In-Page%20Searches If your catalog makes use of ActionMaps that perform searches, these should continue to work as intended as long as they search a table allowed by AllowRemoteSearch. However, you should consider updating them to use the new "search" tag. For example, an existing ActionMap that performs a search like this: ActionMap old_cat <{co} = 1; $CGI->{fi} = 'products'; $CGI->{st} = 'db'; $CGI->{sf} = 'category'; $CGI->{se} = "$class"; $CGI->{sp} = 'results'; $CGI->{tf} = 'category,description:f'; $CGI->{op} = 'eq'; $CGI->{mv_todo} = 'search'; $CGI->{mv_nextpage} = 'results'; # And the "update" tag was called to re-evaluate the page with # the provided search parameters. $Tag->update('process'); return 1; } EOR Would be updated to instead look like this: ActionMap new_cat <{co} = 1; $search->{fi} = 'products'; $search->{st} = 'db'; $search->{sf} = 'category'; $search->{se} = "$class"; $search->{sp} = 'results'; $search->{tf} = 'category,description:f'; $search->{op} = "eq"; $CGI->{mv_nextpage} = 'results'; # And call the new search tag, which isn't subject to the # AllowRemoteSearch restrictions. $Tag->search({ search => $search }); return 1; } EOR If you are using a modern version of the standard catalog as the basis for your catalog, there is a special subroutine that provides friendly URLs for product categories, but is not a traditional ActionMap. Similar to the example above, you will need to alter your catalog.cfg, replacing the entire Sub ncheck_category with: Sub ncheck_category <{co} = 1; $search->{fi} = 'products'; $search->{st} = 'db'; $search->{sf} = join "\0", 'prod_group', 'category'; $search->{op} = join "\0", 'eq', 'eq'; $search->{se} = join "\0", $prod_group, $category; $search->{sp} = 'results'; $search->{mv_todo} = 'search'; $Tag->search({ search => $search }); if (($o = $Search->{''}) && @{$o->{mv_results}}) { return (1, $Config->{Special}->{results}); } return; } EOS In the standard and foundation catalogs, the "lost password" feature makes use of the remote search feature to be able to retrieve lost passwords. We recommend that you remove catalog/pages/query/get_password.html from your catalog, and replace catalog/pages/query/lost_password.html with an updated version from this distribution. As an alternative, you may apply the following patch to your existing catalog/pages/query/get_password.html: diff --git a/dist/standard/pages/query/get_password.html b/dist/standard/pages/query/get_password.html index 2d70c84..5aa51f1 100644 --- a/dist/standard/pages/query/get_password.html +++ b/dist/standard/pages/query/get_password.html @@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ ui_template_name: leftonly if( $Scratch->{tried_pw_retrieve}++ > 10 ) { return "No way, José. Too many times."; } $CGI->{mv_todo} = 'search'; $Config->{NoSearch} = ''; + push(@{$Config->{AllowRemoteSearch}},'userdb'); + return; [/perl] [update process] [search-region] This is not a recommended solution, and is only a workaround until you can consider the changes in the updated lost password page. If you do not wish to upgrade your Interchange installation to fix this vulnerability, patches for all currently supported Interchange versions are also available from https://www.interchangecommerce.org/ -- you will still need to follow the upgrade advice contained here.