# Copyright 2002-2007 Interchange Development Group and others # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. See the LICENSE file for details. UserTag flex-select Order table UserTag flex-select addAttr UserTag flex-select attrAlias ml height UserTag flex-select hasEndTag UserTag flex-select Version 1.18 UserTag flex-select Routine <{mv_more_ip}) { for(@fs_more) { $CGI->{$_} = $::Values->{$_}; } } if($CGI->{mv_return_table}) { my $rt = delete $CGI->{mv_return_table}; $rt =~ s/^\0+//; $rt =~ s/\0.*//; $CGI->{mv_data_table} = $rt if $rt; } my $bounce_url; $::Scratch->{ui_class} = $CGI->{ui_class} if $CGI->{ui_class} && $CGI->{ui_class} =~ /^\w+$/; if($CGI->{ui_text_like}) { ($CGI->{mv_like_field}, $CGI->{mv_like_spec}) = split /=+/, $CGI->{ui_text_like}, 2; } if($opt->{sql_query}) { my $spec; eval { ($table) = Vend::Scan::sql_statement($opt->{sql_query}, { table_only => 1}); }; if($@) { $Tag->error( { set => errmsg( "flex-select -- bad query %s: %s", $opt->{sql_query}, $@, ), name => 'flex_select', }); return undef; } } if($table =~ s/\.(txt|asc)$/_$1/) { $table =~ s:.*/::; } my $db = database_exists_ref($table); $Tmp->{flex_select} ||= {}; my $ts = $Tmp->{flex_select}{$table} = {}; if(! $db) { $Tag->error({ name => 'flex_select', set => errmsg('no %s database', $table), }); my $url = $Tag->area( { href => $::Variable->{UI_ERROR_PAGE} || 'admin/error', secure => $::Variable->{UI_SECURE}, }); #::logDebug("delivering error url=$url"); $Tag->deliver( { location => $url }); return; } if( $::Variable->{UI_LARGE_TABLE} =~ /\b$table\b/ or $db->config('LARGE') ) { $ts->{large} = 1; } if( $db->config('COMPOSITE_KEY') ) { $ts->{multikey} = 1; $ts->{key_columns} = $db->config('_Key_columns'); } DELETE: { last DELETE unless $CGI->{item_id}; last DELETE unless delete $CGI->{deleterecords}; unless ($Tag->if_mm('tables', '=d')) { $Tag->error({ name => 'flex_select', set => errmsg("no permission to delete records"), }); last DELETE; }; $Vend::Cfg->{NoSearch} = ''; my @ids = split /\0/, $CGI->{item_id}; for(grep $_, @ids) { if($db->delete_record($_)) { push @warnings, errmsg("Deleted record %s", $_); } else { push @errors, $db->errstr(); } } } SEQUENCE: { my $dest = $CGI->{ui_sequence_destination} || '__UI_BASE__/flex_editor'; #::logDebug("Entering flex_select sequence edit stuff"); last SEQUENCE unless $CGI->{ui_sequence_edit}; #::logDebug("doing flex_select sequence edit stuff"); my $doit; if($CGI->{item_id_left} =~ s/^(.*?)[\0]//) { $CGI->{ui_sequence_edit} = 1; $CGI->{item_id} = $1; $doit = 1; } elsif ($CGI->{item_id_left}) { $CGI->{item_id} = delete $CGI->{item_id_left}; delete $CGI->{ui_sequence_edit}; $doit = 1; } else { delete $CGI->{item_id}; delete $CGI->{ui_sequence_edit}; } last SEQUENCE unless $doit; my $url = $Tag->area( { href => $dest, form => qq{ mv_data_table=$CGI->{mv_data_table} item_id=$CGI->{item_id} item_id_left=$CGI->{item_id_left} ui_sequence_edit=$CGI->{ui_sequence_edit} }, }); #::logDebug("flex_select sequence developed URL=$url"); $Tag->deliver( { location => $url } ); return; } $ts->{table_meta} = $Tag->meta_record($table, $CGI->{ui_meta_view}) || {}; my $tm = $ts->{table_meta}; my $extra; if($tm->{name}) { $extra .= "$tm->{name}
"; } if($ts->{help_url}) { $extra .= qq{   }; $extra .= errmsg('help'); $extra .= ""; } if($ts->{help}) { $extra .= "
"; } $::Scratch->{page_banner} ||= $::Scratch->{page_title}; $::Scratch->{page_banner} .= $extra; for(@errors) { $Tag->error({ name => 'flex_select', set => $_ }); } for(@warnings) { $Tag->warnings($_); } return; } sub { my ($table, $opt, $body) = @_; #::logDebug("Entering flex_select"); my $CGI = \%CGI::values; $table ||= $CGI->{mv_data_table}; ## Do the initialization if($opt->{init}) { return flex_select_init($table, $opt); } my $filter; if(ref($opt->{filter}) eq 'HASH') { $filter = $opt->{filter}; } $filter ||= {}; my $spec; my $stmt; my $q; if($opt->{sql_query}) { $q = $opt->{sql_query}; if($CGI->{ui_sort_field} =~ s/^(\w+)(:[rfn]+)?$/$1/) { my $field = $1; my $opt = $2 || $CGI->{ui_sort_option}; $field .= ' DESC', $CGI->{ui_sort_option} = 'r' if $opt =~ /r/i; $q =~ s/ \s+ORDER\s+BY \s+(\w+(\s+desc\w*)?) (\s*,\s*\w+(\s+desc\w*)?)* (\s*$|\s+LIMIT\s+\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)?) / ORDER BY $field$5/ix or $q =~ s/(\s+LIMIT\s+\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)?)/ ORDER BY $field$1/ix or $q .= " ORDER BY $field"; } eval { ($spec) = Vend::Scan::sql_statement($q); }; if($@ || ! $spec->{rt}) { $Tag->error( { set => errmsg("flex-select -- bad query %s: %s", $q, $@), name => 'flex_select', }); return undef; } $table = $spec->{rt}->[0]; } my $ref = dbref($table) or do { my $msg = errmsg("%s: table '%s' does not exist", 'flex_select', $table); logError($msg); $Tag->error({ name => 'flex_select', set => $msg }); return undef; }; my $ts = $Tmp->{flex_select}{$table} ||= {}; my $meta = $ts->{table_meta} ||= $Tag->meta_record($table, $CGI->{ui_meta_view}); #::logDebug("flex_select table=$table"); if($meta->{sql_query}) { $q = $meta->{sql_query}; if($CGI->{ui_sort_field} =~ s/^(\w+)(:[rfn]+)?$/$1/) { my $field = $1; my $opt = $2 || $CGI->{ui_sort_option}; $field .= ' DESC', $CGI->{ui_sort_option} = 'r' if $opt =~ /r/i; $q =~ s/ \s+ORDER\s+BY \s+(\w+(\s+desc\w*)?) (\s*,\s*\w+(\s+desc\w*)?)* (\s*$|\s+LIMIT\s+\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)?) / ORDER BY $field$5/ix or $q =~ s/(\s+LIMIT\s+\d+(?:\s*,\s*\d+)?)/ ORDER BY $field$1/ix or $q .= " ORDER BY $field"; } eval { ($spec) = Vend::Scan::sql_statement($q); }; if($@ or ! $spec->{rt}) { $Tag->error( { set => errmsg("flex-select -- bad query %s: %s", $q, $@), name => 'flex_select', }); return undef; } $table = $spec->{rt}->[0]; } if( $table ne $ref->config('name')) { ## Probably transient database $CGI->{mv_data_table_real} = $table = $ref->config('name'); } my @labels; ## Locally set labels in ui_show_fields my @views; ## Locally set view data in ui_show_fields my @filter_show; ## Locally set filters in ui_show_fields my @calcs; ## Data calculation code (if any) from fs_data_calc my @redirect; ## A column with a different metadata from standard my @extras; ## A column with a different metadata from standard my @style; ## Style for data cell, only have to read once my @link_page; ## Locally set filters in ui_show_fields my @link_parm; ## Locally set filters in ui_show_fields my @link_parm_extra; ## Locally set filters in ui_show_fields my @link_anchor; ## Locally set filters in ui_show_fields my $filters_done; ## Tells us we are done with filters if(my $show = $CGI->{ui_show_fields} ||= $meta->{ui_show_fields} || $meta->{field}) { my $i = 0; if($show =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g) { $show =~ s/^\s+//; $show =~ s/\s+$//; my @f = split /\n/, $show; my @c; for(@f) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if(s/\s*\((.+)\)\s*$//) { $filter_show[$i] = $1; } if(/^(\w+)-(\w+)$/) { push @c, $1; $redirect[$i] = $2; } elsif(/^(\w+)(?:-([^=]+))?(?:=(.*))?/) { push @c, $1; $views[$i] = $2 if $2; $labels[$i] = $3; } else { push @c, $_; } $i++; } $show = join ",", @c; } else { $show =~ s/(\w+)(?:\((.*?)\))?/ ($filter_show[$i++] = $2), $1/eg; $show =~ s/[\0,\s]+/,/g; } $CGI->{ui_description_fields} = $show; $filters_done = 1; } if($spec) { #::logDebug("flex_select spec=$spec"); if($spec->{rf} and $spec->{rf}[0] ne '*') { my @c; my $header; for(my $i = 0; $i < @{$spec->{rf}}; $i++) { if($spec->{hf}[$i]) { $header++; push @c, $spec->{rf}[$i] . '=' . $spec->{hf}[$i]; } else { push @c, $spec->{rf}[$i]; } } if($header) { $CGI->{ui_show_fields} = join "\n", @c; } else { $CGI->{ui_show_fields} = join " ", @c; } } if($spec->{tf} and $spec->{tf}[0]) { $CGI->{ui_sort_field} = join ",", @{$spec->{tf}}; $CGI->{ui_sort_option} = join ",", @{$spec->{to}}; } $CGI->{ui_list_size} = $spec->{ml} if $spec->{ml}; } $meta ||= {}; if($CGI->{ui_flex_key}) { $ts->{keypos} = $CGI->{ui_flex_key}; } else { $ts->{keypos} = $ref->config('KEY_INDEX'); } $ts->{keyname} = $ref->config('KEY'); $ts->{owner_field} = $ref->config('OWNER_FIELD') || $::Scratch->{ui_owner}; if($CGI->{ui_exact_record}) { #::logDebug("found exact record input"); undef $CGI->{mv_like_field}; my $id = $CGI->{mv_like_spec}; $id =~ s/\0.*//s; my $url = $Tag->area({ href => 'admin/flex_editor', form => qq{ mv_data_table=$CGI->{mv_data_table} item_id=$id ui_meta_view=$CGI->{ui_meta_view} }, }); $Tag->deliver({ location => $url }); #::logDebug("deliver=$url"); return; } my $sf; if($sf = $CGI->{ui_sort_field} and $sf =~ s/^(\w+)([,\s\0]+.*)?$/$1/) { my $fmeta; $fmeta = $Tag->meta_record("${table}::$sf", $CGI->{ui_meta_view}) and do { $CGI->{ui_more_alpha} = $fmeta->{ui_more_alpha} if length($fmeta->{ui_more_alpha}); if (! $CGI->{ui_sort_option} and length($fmeta->{ui_sort_option}) ) { my $o = $fmeta->{ui_sort_option}; if($CGI->{ui_sort_option} =~ /r/) { $o =~ s/^([^r]+)$/$1r/ or $o =~ s/r//; } $CGI->{ui_sort_option} = $o; } }; } for(qw/ui_more_alpha ui_more_decade ui_meta_specific/) { $CGI->{$_} = $meta->{$_} unless defined $CGI->{$_}; } $Vend::Cfg->{NoSearch} = ''; my $out_message = ''; my $ui_text_qualification = $CGI->{ui_text_qualification}; if ($ui_text_qualification and $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} =~ /[\^]/ ) { if($ts->{owner_field}) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = <{owner_field} se=$Vend::username op=eq nu=0 os=0 su=0 bs=0 EOF } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = "co=1\n"; } my @entries = split /\s+(and|or)\s+/i, $ui_text_qualification; my $or; for(@entries) { if(/^or$/i) { $or = 1; $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "os=1\n"; next; } elsif(/^and$/i) { $or = 0; $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "os=0\n"; next; } my ($f, $op, $s) = split /\s*([<=!>\^]+)\s*/, $_, 2; $op = "eq" if $op eq "=="; $op = "rm" if $op eq "="; if($op eq '^') { $op = 'rm'; $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "bs=1\nsu=1\n"; } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "bs=0\nsu=0\n"; } my $ms = defined $CGI->{mv_min_string} ? $CGI->{mv_min_string} : 1; if(length($s) > $ms) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "se=$s\nsf=$f\nop=$op\n"; } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "se=.\nsf=$f\nop=rn\n"; } if($op =~ /[<>]/ and $s =~ /^[\d.]+$/) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "nu=1\n"; } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= "nu=0\n"; } } if(defined $or) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} .= $or ? "os=1\n" : "os=0\n"; } $out_message = errmsg('Entries matching "%s"', $ui_text_qualification); } elsif ($ui_text_qualification) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = "se=$CGI->{ui_text_qualification}"; $out_message = errmsg('Entries matching "%s"', $ui_text_qualification); if($ts->{owner_field}) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = <{owner_field} se=$Vend::username op=eq sf=:* se=$CGI->{ui_text_qualification} EOF } } elsif ( $CGI->{mv_like_field} ) { my @f = split /\0/, $CGI->{mv_like_field}; my @s = split /\0/, $CGI->{mv_like_spec}; my @q = 'ra=yes'; my $found; for(my $i = 0; $i < @f; $i++) { next unless length $s[$i]; $found++; push @q, "lf=$f[$i]"; push @q, "ls=$s[$i]"; } if($found) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = join "\n", @q; my @out; for(@q) { my $thing = $_; $thing =~ s/^ls=/mv_like_spec=/; $thing =~ s/^lf=/mv_like_field=/; push @out, $thing; } $ts->{like_recall} = join "\n", @out; } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = "" } } elsif($ts->{owner_field}) { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = <{owner_field} se=$Vend::username op=eq EOF } elsif ($ts->{large}) { my $keylabel = $Tag->display({ table => $table, name => 'item_id', column => $ts->{keyname}, template => 1, }); $ts->{like_spec} = $CGI->{mv_more_ip} ? 0 : 1; $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = ""; } else { $CGI->{ui_text_qualification} = "ra=yes"; } if($meta->{ui_sort_combined} =~ /\S/) { $meta->{ui_sort_field} = $meta->{ui_sort_combined}; $meta->{ui_sort_option} = ''; } $CGI->{ui_sort_field} ||= $meta->{ui_sort_field} || $meta->{lookup} || $ts->{keyname}; $CGI->{ui_sort_option} ||= $meta->{ui_sort_option}; $CGI->{ui_sort_option} =~ s/[\0,\s]+//g; $CGI->{ui_list_size} = $opt->{height} || $meta->{height} if ! $CGI->{ui_list_size}; if(! $CGI->{ui_show_fields} ) { $CGI->{ui_show_fields} = $CGI->{ui_description_fields} = join ",", $ref->columns(); } else { my $i = 0; my $show = $CGI->{ui_show_fields}; if($filters_done) { # do nothing } else { if($show =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g) { $show =~ s/^\s+//; $show =~ s/\s+$//; my @f = split /\n/, $show; my @c; for(@f) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; if(s/\s*\((.+)\)\s*$//) { $filter_show[$i] = $1; } if(/^(\w+)-(\w+)$/) { push @c, $1; $redirect[$i] = $2; } elsif(/^(\w+)(?:-([^=]+))?(?:=(.*))?/) { push @c, $1; $views[$i] = $2 if $2; $labels[$i] = $3; } else { push @c, $_; } $i++; } $show = join ",", @c; } else { $show =~ s/(\w+)(?:\((.*?)\))?/ ($filter_show[$i++] = $2), $1/eg; $show =~ s/[\0,\s]+/,/g; } $CGI->{ui_description_fields} = $show; } } my @cols = split /,/, $CGI->{ui_description_fields}; @cols = grep $ref->column_exists($_), @cols unless $spec; my %limit_field; $CGI->{ui_limit_fields} =~ s/[\0,\s]+/ /g; $CGI->{ui_limit_fields} =~ s/^\s+//; $CGI->{ui_limit_fields} =~ s/\s+$//; my (@limit_field) = split " ", $CGI->{ui_limit_fields}; if(@limit_field) { @limit_field{@limit_field} = (); @cols = grep ! exists($limit_field{$_}), @cols; } unshift(@cols, $ts->{keyname}) if $cols[0] ne $ts->{keyname}; $CGI->{ui_description_fields} = join ",", @cols; unless ($CGI->{ui_sort_option}) { $CGI->{ui_sort_option} = 'n' if $ref->numeric($CGI->{ui_sort_field}); } my $fi = $CGI->{mv_data_table_real} || $CGI->{mv_data_table}; $ts->{sparams} = ($ts->{like_spec} || $spec) ? '' : <{ui_text_qualification} su=1 ma=$CGI->{ui_more_alpha} md=$CGI->{ui_more_decade} ml=$CGI->{ui_list_size} tf=$CGI->{ui_sort_field} to=$CGI->{ui_sort_option} rf=$CGI->{ui_description_fields} nh=1 EOF $::Scratch->{page_banner} .= $out_message; $::Scratch->{page_title} .= $out_message; my %output; ### Header determination my @refkeys = grep ref($opt->{$_}) eq 'HASH', keys %$opt; my %default = ( data_cell_class => '', data_cell_style => '', data_row_class_even => 'rownorm', data_row_class_odd => 'rowalt', data_row_style_even => '', data_row_style_odd => '', form_method => 'GET', explicit_edit => '', explicit_edit_page => '', explicit_edit_form => '', explicit_edit_anchor => '', no_code_link => '', group_image => 'smindex.gif', group_class => 'rhead', group_spacing => 2, group_padding => 0, group_width => '100%', header_link_class => 'rhead', header_cell_class => 'rhead', header_cell_style => '', header_row_class => 'rhead', header_row_style => '', mv_action => 'back', meta_image => errmsg('meta.png'), label => "flex_select_$table", no_checkbox => 0, radio_box => 0, user_merge => 0, check_uncheck_all => 0, number_list => 0, table_border => 0, table_class => 'rseparator', table_padding => 0, table_spacing => 1, table_style => '', table_width => '100%', ); for(keys %default) { next if defined $opt->{$_}; if(length $meta->{$_}) { $opt->{$_} = $meta->{$_}; } else { $opt->{$_} = $default{$_}; } } $opt->{ui_style} = 1 unless defined $opt->{ui_style}; $opt->{no_checkbox} = 1 if $ts->{multikey}; my $show_meta; my $meta_anchor; if($Tag->if_mm('super') and ! $opt->{no_meta}) { $show_meta = defined $::Values->{ui_meta_force} ? $::Values->{ui_meta_force} : $::Variable->{UI_META_SELECT}; if($opt->{meta_image}) { $meta_anchor = qq{}; } else { $meta_anchor = 'M'; } } $opt->{form_name} ||= "fs_$table"; $output{TOP_OF_TABLE} = < EOF my $cwp = $Global::Variable->{MV_PAGE}; $opt->{form_href} ||= $CGI->{ui_searchpage} || $cwp; $opt->{form_extra} ||= ''; $opt->{form_extra} .= qq{ name="$opt->{form_name}"} if $opt->{form_name}; $opt->{form_extra} =~ s/^\s*/ /; my $action = $Tag->process({href => $opt->{form_href}}); $output{TOP_OF_FORM} = <{form_extra}> EOF ### What the heck is going on here? if($CGI->{ui_meta_view}) { $output{TOP_OF_FORM} .= < EOF $output{TOP_OF_FORM} .= $Tag->return_to(); } else { $output{TOP_OF_FORM} .= < EOF } my $cc = $ts->{column_meta} ||= {}; my $mview = $CGI->{ui_meta_view}; my $cmeta = sub { my $col = shift; return $cc->{$col} if $cc->{$col}; my $m = $Tag->meta_record("${table}::$col", $mview); for(@refkeys) { $m->{$_} = $opt->{$_}{$col} if exists $opt->{$_}{$col}; } $cc->{$col} = $m; return $m; }; my $header_cell_style = sub { my $col = shift; my $m = $cmeta->($col); #::logDebug("meta for header=" . ::uneval($m)); my $stuff = ''; for(qw/ class style align valign /) { my $tag = "header_cell_$_"; my $thing; if(ref $opt->{$tag}) { $thing = $opt->{$tag}{$col} || $m->{$tag} || $opt->{"all_$tag"} or next; } else { $thing = $m->{$tag} || $opt->{$tag} or next; } encode_entities($thing); $stuff .= qq{ $_="$thing"}; } return $stuff; }; my $data_cell_style = sub { my $col = shift; my $m = $cmeta->($col); my $stuff = ''; for(qw/ class style align valign /) { my $tag = "data_cell_$_"; my $thing; if(ref $opt->{$tag}) { $thing = $opt->{$tag}{$col} || $m->{$tag} || $opt->{"all_$tag"} or next; } else { $thing = $m->{$tag} || $opt->{$tag} or next; } encode_entities($thing); $stuff .= qq{ $_="$thing"}; } return $stuff; }; my @head; my $rc = $opt->{header_row_class}; push @head, "{header_row_class}) if $opt->{header_row_class}; push @head, qq( style=$opt->{header_row_style}) if $opt->{header_row_style}; push @head, ">\n"; if(! $opt->{no_checkbox}) { push @head, "  " } if($opt->{radio_box}) { push @head, "  " } if($opt->{number_list}) { push @head, " # " ; } if($opt->{explicit_edit}) { push @head, "  " } my $return = <{ui_meta_view} ui_return_to=mv_return_table=$table mv_return_table=$table ui_return_stack=$CGI->{ui_return_stack} start_at=extended.ui_more_alpha EOF my %mkey; if($ts->{multikey}) { for(@{$ts->{key_columns}}) { $mkey{$_} = 1; } } my @mcol; my $idx = 0; foreach my $col (@cols) { my $mcol = $col; if($redirect[$idx]) { $mcol .= "-$redirect[$idx]"; } my $td_extra = $header_cell_style->($mcol); ## $cc is set in header_cell_class my $m = $cc->{$mcol}; if($mkey{$col}) { push @mcol, $idx - 1; } push @head, < {group_spacing} cellpadding=$opt->{group_padding} width="$opt->{group_width}"> EOF unless($opt->{no_group} || $m->{fs_no_group}) { my $u = $Tag->area({ href => 'admin/flex_group', form => qq( mv_data_table=$table ui_meta_view=$mview from_page=$Global::Variable->{MV_PAGE} substr=$m->{fs_group_substring} mv_arg=$col ), }); my $msg = errmsg('Select group by %s', $col); push @head, < EOF } my $o = ''; my $msg; my $rmsg; if($o = $m->{ui_sort_option}) { my @m; $msg = "sort by %s (%s)"; if($CGI->{ui_sort_field} eq $col) { if($CGI->{ui_sort_option} =~ /r/) { $o =~ s/r//; } else { $o .= "r"; } } push @m, errmsg('reverse') if $o =~ /r/; push @m, errmsg('case insensitive') if $o =~ /f/; push @m, errmsg('numeric') if $o =~ /n/; $rmsg = join ", ", @m; } else { if ($CGI->{ui_sort_field} eq $col and $CGI->{ui_sort_option} !~ /r/) { $o .= 'r'; $msg = "sort by %s (%s)"; $rmsg = errmsg('reverse'); } else { $msg = "sort by %s"; } $o .= 'n' if $ref->numeric($col); } my $sort_msg = errmsg($msg, $col, $rmsg); my $url = $Tag->area( { href => $cwp, form => qq( $ts->{like_recall} ui_text_qualification=$ui_text_qualification mv_data_table=$table ui_meta_view=$mview ui_sort_field=$col ui_sort_option=$o ui_more_alpha=$m->{ui_more_alpha} ), }); my $lab = $labels[$idx] || $m->{label} || $col; # Set up some stuff for the data cells; $style[$idx] = $data_cell_style->($mcol); $filter_show[$idx] = $filter->{$mcol} if $filter->{$mcol}; $filter_show[$idx] ||= $m->{fs_display_filter} || 'encode_entities'; $filter_show[$idx] .= ' encode_entities' unless $filter_show[$idx] =~ /\b(?:encode_)?entities\b/; $style[$idx] .= " $1" while $filter_show[$idx] =~ s/(v?align=\w+)//i; if($views[$idx]) { my ($page, $parm, $l) = split /:/, $views[$idx]; $m->{fs_link_page} = $page; $parm ||= 'item_id'; my @p = split /[\s,\0]+/, $parm; my $arg = shift @p; $m->{fs_link_parm} = $arg; $m->{fs_link_parm_extra} = join ",", @p; $m->{fs_link_anchor} = $l; } if($m->{fs_link_page}) { $link_page[$idx] = $m->{fs_link_page}; $link_parm[$idx] = $m->{fs_link_parm}; if($m->{fs_link_parm_extra}) { my @p = grep /\S/, split /[\s,\0]+/, $m->{fs_link_parm_extra}; $link_parm_extra[$idx] = \@p; } $link_anchor[$idx] = $m->{fs_link_anchor}; } if(my $prog = $m->{fs_data_calc}) { #::logDebug("looking at calcs=$prog"); $prog =~ s/^\s+//; $prog =~ s/\s+$//; if($prog =~ /^\w+$/) { $calcs[$idx] = $Vend::Cfg->{Sub}{$prog} || $Global::GlobalSub->{$prog}; } else { $prog =~ s/^\[(calc|perl)(.*?)\]//; $prog =~ s{\[/(calc|perl)\]$}{}; $calcs[$idx] = $prog; } if($m->{fs_data_tables}) { tag_perl($m->{fs_data_tables}, {}); } } push @head, < {header_link_class} title="$sort_msg">$lab EOF if($show_meta) { my $u = $Tag->area({ href=>'admin/meta_editor', form => qq( item_id=${table}::$mcol ui_meta_view=$mview $return), }); my $tit = errmsg( "Edit header meta information for %s::%s", $table, $col, ); push @head, < $meta_anchor EOF } push @head, <
EOF $idx++; } push @head, ""; shift @mcol; my $ncols = $idx; $ncols += $opt->{explicit_edit} if $opt->{explicit_edit} > 0; $ncols++ if $opt->{number_list}; $ncols++ if $opt->{radio_box}; $ncols++ unless $opt->{no_checkbox}; $output{HEADER_AREA} = join "", @head; ### Row output my $cb_width = $opt->{checkbox_width} || '30'; my $cb_name = $opt->{checkbox_name} || 'item_id'; my $rb_name = $opt->{radiobox_name} || 'item_radio'; my $edit_page = $opt->{edit_page} || 'admin/flex_editor'; my $edit_parm = $opt->{edit_parm} || 'item_id'; my $edit_extra = <{ui_page_title} ui_meta_view=$mview ui_page_banner=$CGI->{ui_page_banner} ui_meta_specific=$CGI->{ui_meta_specific} EOF my @rows; if($ts->{like_spec}) { ## Do nothing } elsif($body =~ /\S/) { my $o = { label => $opt->{label}, list_prefix => 'flex', prefix => 'flex', more => 1, search => $ts->{sparams}, }; push @rows, tag_loop_list($o); } else { my $ary; my $search; my $params; my $c; #::logDebug("MM=$CGI->{MM}($CGI::values{MM}) mv_more_matches=$CGI->{mv_more_matches}($CGI::values{mv_more_matches})"); if($CGI->{mv_more_ip}) { $search = $::Instance->{SearchObject}{$opt->{label}}; $search ||= $::Instance->{SearchObject}{''}; $search ||= perform_search(); $ary = [ splice( @{$search->{mv_results}}, $search->{mv_first_match}, $search->{mv_matchlimit}, )] ; #::logDebug("search first_match=$search->{mv_first_match} length=$search->{mv_matchlimit}"); #::logDebug("Found search=" . ::uneval($search)); } elsif($q) { my $db = dbref($table); my $o = { ma => $CGI->{ui_more_alpha}, md => $CGI->{ui_more_decade}, ml => $CGI->{ui_list_size}, more => 1, table => $fi, query => $q, }; $ary = $db->query($o); } else { #::logDebug("In new search"); $params = escape_scan($ts->{sparams}); $c = { mv_search_immediate => 1, mv_search_label => $opt->{label} }; Vend::Scan::find_search_params($c, $params); $search = Vend::Scan::perform_search($c); $ary = $search->{mv_results}; } finish_search($search) if $search; $search ||= {}; if($CGI->{ui_return_to} and ! $CGI->{ui_return_stack}) { $edit_extra .= $Tag->return_to('formlink'); } else { $edit_extra .= "ui_return_to=$cwp"; } my $ee_extra; if($opt->{explicit_edit}) { $ee_extra = ''; for(qw/ class style width align valign /) { my $v = $opt->{"explicit_edit_$_"} or next; $ee_extra .= qq{ $_="$v"}; } $ee_extra ||= ' width=30'; } #::logDebug("explicit_edit=$opt->{explicit_edit} no_code_link=$opt->{no_code_link}"); my $j = $search->{mv_first_match} || 0; foreach my $line (@$ary) { my $code = shift (@$line); my $ecode = encode_entities($code); my $rc = $j++ % 2 ? $opt->{data_row_class_even} : $opt->{data_row_class_odd}; my $out = qq{\n}; my $code_pre; my $code_post; my $ep_string = ''; if($opt->{no_code_link} and ! $opt->{explicit_edit}) { $code_pre = $code_post = ''; } else { my @what; push @what, "$edit_parm=$code"; if($ts->{multikey}) { unshift @what, 'ui_multi_key=1'; for(@mcol) { push @what, "$edit_parm=$line->[$_]"; } } $ep_string = join "\n", @what, $edit_extra; my $edit_url = $Tag->area({ href => $edit_page, form => $ep_string, }); my $msg = errmsg('edit %s', $ecode); $code_pre = qq{}; $code_post = qq{}; } unless($opt->{no_checkbox}) { $out .= < EOF } if($opt->{radio_box}) { $out .= < EOF } if($opt->{number_list}) { $out .= qq{ $j }; } if($opt->{explicit_edit}) { for (qw/ explicit_edit_anchor explicit_edit_page explicit_edit_form /) { $opt->{$_} =~ s/^\s+//; $opt->{$_} =~ s/\s+$//; } my @forms = grep /\w/, split /[ \t]*[\r\n|][ \t]*/, $opt->{explicit_edit_form}; my @anchors = grep /\w/, split /[ \t]*[\r\n|][ \t]*/, $opt->{explicit_edit_anchor}; my @pages = grep /\w/, split /[ \t]*[\r\n|][ \t]*/, $opt->{explicit_edit_page}; $out .= qq{}; while (my $page = shift @pages) { my $form = shift(@forms); my $edit_anchor = shift(@anchors) || errmsg('edit record'); $edit_anchor =~ s/ / /g; if($form) { $form .= $ecode; } my $url = $Tag->area({ href => $page || $edit_page, form => $form || $ep_string, }); my $msg = errmsg('process %s', $ecode); my $pre = qq{}; $out .= qq{ $pre$edit_anchor$code_post }; } $out .= qq{}; if($opt->{no_code_link}) { $code_post = $code_pre = ''; } } #::logDebug("keyname=$ts->{keyname}"); $out .= "($ts->{keyname}) . ">"; $ecode = ''; if ($calcs[0]) { my %item; @item{@cols} = ($code, @$line); if(ref($calcs[0]) eq 'CODE') { $ecode = $calcs[0]->(\%item); } else { $Vend::Interpolate::item = \%item; $ecode = tag_calc($calcs[0]); } } if ($filter_show[0]) { $ecode = $code unless $ecode; $ecode = $Tag->filter($filter_show[0], $ecode, $cols[0]); $ecode =~ s/\[/[/g; } $ecode = encode_entities($code) unless $ecode; $out .= "$code_pre$ecode$code_post"; my $i = 1; for my $v (@$line) { my $extra = $style[$i]; my $pre = ''; my $post = ''; my $lab; if($link_page[$i]) { my $opt = { $link_parm[$i] => $v, form => 'auto' }; if(my $p = $link_parm_extra[$i]) { for(@$p) { $opt->{$_} = $CGI->{$_}; } } $opt->{href} = $link_page[$i]; $lab = $link_anchor[$i]; $lab =~ s/^\s+//; my $url = $Tag->area($opt); my $ev = encode_entities($v); $pre = qq{}; $post = ''; } if($calcs[$i]) { #::logDebug("found a calc"); my %item; @item{@cols} = ($code, @$line); if(ref($calcs[$i]) eq 'CODE') { $lab = $calcs[$i]->(\%item); } else { $Vend::Interpolate::item = \%item; $lab = tag_calc($calcs[$i]); } } $lab ||= $v; $lab = $Tag->filter($filter_show[$i], $lab, $cols[$i]); $lab =~ s/\[/[/g; $out .= "$pre$lab$post"; $i++; } $out .= "\n"; push @rows, $out; } unless(@rows) { my $nomsg = errmsg('No records'); push @rows, qq{
}; } else { my $mmsg = errmsg($opt->{more_message} ||= 'More rows'); $opt->{more_list} ||= < $mmsg: [decade-next][/decade-next] [more] [decade-prev][/decade-prev] EOF $opt->{more_list} =~ s/\{NCOLS\}/$ncols/g; my $override = { mv_data_table => $table, ui_meta_view => $mview }; my @forms; my @formparms = qw/ mv_data_table ui_meta_view ui_meta_specific /; for(@formparms) { my $thing = $override->{$_} || $CGI->{$_}; next unless length $thing; push @forms, "$_=$thing"; } my $o = { object => $search, label => $opt->{label}, form => join("\n", @forms), }; $output{MORE_LIST} = tag_more_list( $opt->{next_anchor}, $opt->{prev_anchor}, $opt->{page_anchor}, $opt->{more_border}, $opt->{more_border_selected}, $o, $opt->{more_list}, ); } } $output{BOTTOM_OF_TABLE} = ''; $output{BOTTOM_OF_FORM} = ''; my $calc_sequence = <<'EOF'; ui_sequence_edit=[calc] $CGI->{item_id_left} = $CGI->{item_id}; $CGI->{item_id_left} =~ s/\0+/,/g; if($CGI->{item_id_left} =~ s/^(.*?),//) { $CGI->{item_id} = $1; return 1; } else { delete $CGI->{item_id_left}; return ''; } [/calc] EOF $calc_sequence .= "mv_nextpage=$edit_page\nmv_todo=return"; my $ebutton = $Tag->button( { text => errmsg('Edit checked records in sequence'), extra => $opt->{edit_button_extra} || ' class=s2', }, $calc_sequence, ); my $mbutton = ''; my $dbutton = ''; if($Tag->if_mm({ function => 'tables', table => "$table=d"}) ) { $opt->{confirm} ||= "Are you sure you want to delete the checked records?"; my $dtext = qq{ [flag type=write table=$table] deleterecords=1 mv_click=db_maintenance}; $dbutton = ' '; $dbutton .= $Tag->button( { text => errmsg('Delete checked records'), extra => $opt->{edit_button_extra} || ' class=s2', confirm => errmsg($opt->{confirm}), }, $dtext, ); if($opt->{user_merge}) { $opt->{confirm_merge} ||= "Are you sure you want to merge the checked users?"; $mbutton = ' '; $mbutton .= $Tag->button( { text => errmsg('Merge checked users'), extra => $opt->{merge_button_extra} || ' class=s2', confirm => errmsg($opt->{confirm_merge}), }, '[user-merge]', ); } } my $cboxes = ''; if($meta->{check_uncheck_all}) { my $uc_msg = errmsg('Uncheck all'); my $ch_msg = errmsg('Check all'); $ch_msg =~ s/\s/ /g; $uc_msg =~ s/\s/ /g; $cboxes = < $ch_msg    $uc_msg    EOF $cboxes =~ s/\n//g; } if(! $opt->{no_checkbox} and ! $ts->{like_spec}) { unless($opt->{no_top} || $opt->{bottom_buttons}) { $output{TOP_BUTTONS} = $cboxes; $output{TOP_BUTTONS} .= $ebutton; if($mbutton) { $output{TOP_BUTTONS} .= ' ' x 4; $output{TOP_BUTTONS} .= $mbutton; } if($dbutton) { $output{TOP_BUTTONS} .= ' ' x 4; $output{TOP_BUTTONS} .= $dbutton; } } unless($opt->{no_bottom} || $opt->{top_buttons}) { $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} = $cboxes; $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} .= $ebutton; if($mbutton) { $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} .= ' ' x 4; $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} .= $mbutton; } if($dbutton) { $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} .= ' ' x 4; $output{BOTTOM_BUTTONS} .= $dbutton; } } } my %map = qw/ TOP_OF_FORM top_of_form BOTTOM_OF_FORM bottom_of_form HIDDEN_FIELDS hidden_fields TOP_BUTTONS top_buttons BOTTOM_BUTTONS bottom_buttons EXTRA_BUTTONS extra_buttons /; my @areas = qw/ TOP_OF_TABLE TOP_OF_FORM HIDDEN_FIELDS TOP_BUTTONS HEADER_AREA MAIN_BODY MORE_LIST BOTTOM_BUTTONS EXTRA_BUTTONS BOTTOM_OF_FORM BOTTOM_OF_TABLE /; if($ts->{like_spec}) { push @rows, <   [L]Check the box for exact record and enter the record id/key.[/L] [L]Or enter a query by example to select a set of records.[/L] [L]Each input will match on the beginning text in the field.[/L]

Edit exact record in key column
    [loop list="[cgi ui_description_fields]"] [/loop]    
EOF } $output{MAIN_BODY} = join "", @rows; my @out; for(@areas) { next unless $output{$_}; if($opt->{ui_style} and $map{$_}) { my $op = $map{$_}; $Tag->output_to($op, { name => $op }, $output{$_} ); } else { push @out, $output{$_}; } } return join "", @out; } EOR