# Copyright 2002-2009 Interchange Development Group and others # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. See the LICENSE file for details. UserTag import_fields Order table UserTag import_fields addAttr UserTag import_fields Version 1.16 UserTag import_fields Routine <Fatal Administration Error

FATAL error

Progress to date:

$out EOF exit 0; }; my $file = $opt->{'file'} || $Vend::Cfg->{ProductDir} . "/$table.update"; my $currdb; my $tmsg = ''; my $db; my %filter = ( '' => { mv_credit_card_number => 'encrypt' }, ); if($opt->{filter_field}) { my @filt = grep /\S/, split /[\r\n]+/, $opt->{filter_field}; for(@filt) { s/^\s+//; s/\s+$//; my ($t, $f) = split /\s*:\s*/, $_; if(! $f) { if ($opt->{multiple}) { die "Must specify both table and filter for multiple table filters.\n"; } else { $f = $t; $t = ''; } $t ||= ''; } #::logDebug("found filter: t=$t f=$f"); my ($field, $filters) = split /\s*=\s*/, $f, 2; #::logDebug("found filter: t=$t field=$field filters=$filters"); $filter{$t}{$field} = $filters; } } CONVERT: { last CONVERT if ! $opt->{convert}; if ($opt->{convert} eq 'auto') { if($file =~ /\.(txt|all)$/i) { last CONVERT; } elsif($file =~ /\.xls$/i) { $opt->{convert} = 'xls'; redo CONVERT; } else { $file =~ s:.*\.:: or $file = 'none'; return "Failed: unknown file extension ''"; } } elsif ($opt->{convert} eq 'xls') { #::logDebug("doing XLS for file=$file"); eval { require Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; import Spreadsheet::ParseExcel; my $oBook = Spreadsheet::ParseExcel::Workbook->Parse($file); #::logDebug("oBook is $oBook"); if(! $oBook) { die errmsg("Failed to parse XLS file %s: %s\n", $file, $!); } my($iR, $iC, $oWkS, $oWkC); my $sheetcount = $oBook->{SheetCount}; #::logDebug("Sheetcount is $sheetcount"); my $sheets = {}; for my $oWkS (@{$oBook->{Worksheet}}) { next unless defined $oWkS; for(qw/MaxCol MaxRow MinCol MinRow/) { die "No $_!" if ! defined $oWkS->{$_}; } my $sname = $oWkS->{Name} or die "no sheet name."; #::logDebug("doing sheet $sname"); $sheets->{$sname} = "$sname\n"; my $maxcol; my $mincol; my $iC; my $iR = $oWkS->{MinRow}; for($iC = $oWkS->{MinCol} ; $iC <= $oWkS->{MaxCol} ; $iC++) { $oWkC = $oWkS->{Cells}[$iR][$iC]; if(! $oWkC or ! $oWkC->Value) { $maxcol = $iC; $maxcol--; last; } $maxcol = $iC; } $mincol = $oWkS->{MinCol}; my @out; for( ; $iR <= $oWkS->{MaxRow}; $iR++) { my $row = $oWkS->{Cells}[$iR]; @out = (); for($iC = $mincol; $iC <= $maxcol; $iC++) { if(! defined $row->[$iC]) { push @out, ""; next; } push @out, $row->[$iC]->Value; } $sheets->{$sname} .= join "\t", @out; $sheets->{$sname} .= "\n"; } } my @print; for(sort keys %$sheets) { push @print, $sheets->{$_}; } $file =~ s/(\.xls)?$/.txt/i; open OUT, ">$file" or die "Cannot write $file: $!\n"; print OUT join "\cL", @print; close OUT; }; die "Excel conversion failed: $@\n" if $@; } else { # other types, or assume gnumeric simple text } } # end CONVERT my $change_sub; if($opt->{multiple}) { undef $table; $change_sub = sub { my $table = shift; $Vend::WriteDatabase{$table} = 1; $Vend::TransactionDatabase{$table} = 1 if $opt->{transactions}; #::logDebug("changing table to $table"); $db = Vend::Data::database_exists_ref($table); #::logDebug("db now=$db"); die "Non-existent table '$table'\n" unless $db; $db = $db->ref(); #::logDebug("db now=$db"); if($opt->{autonumber} and ! $db->config('_Auto_number') ) { $db->config('AUTO_NUMBER', '1000'); } #::logDebug("db now=$db"); $tmsg = "table $table: "; return; }; } else { $Vend::WriteDatabase{$table} = 1; $Vend::TransactionDatabase{$table} = 1 if $opt->{transactions}; $db = Vend::Data::database_exists_ref($table); die "Non-existent table '$table'\n" unless $db; $db = $db->ref() unless $Vend::Interpolate::Db{$table}; if($opt->{autonumber} and ! $db->config('_Auto_number') ) { $db->config('AUTO_NUMBER', '1000'); } } $out = '

	my $delimiter = quotemeta $opt->{delimiter} || "\t";
	open(UPDATE, $file)
		or die "read $file: $!\n";

	my $fields;

	if($opt->{multiple}) {
		# will get fields later
		undef $opt->{fields};
	elsif($opt->{fields}) {
		$fields = $opt->{fields};
		$out .= "Using fields from parameter: '$fields'\n";

	my $verbose;
	my $quiet;

	$verbose = 1 if ! $opt->{quiet};
	$quiet = 1   if $opt->{quiet} > 1;

  TABLE: {
	if(! $table) {
		$table = ;
		$table =~ s/(\015\012|\015|\012)$//;
#::logDebug("db now=$db");
	if(! $opt->{fields}) {
		$fields = ;
		$fields =~ s/(\015\012|\015|\012)$//;
		$fields =~ s/$delimiter/ /g;
		$out .= "${tmsg}Using fields from file: '$fields'\n";
	$filter{$table} ||= {};
	die "No field names." if ! $fields;
	my @names;
	my $k;
	my @f;
	@names = split /\s+/, $fields;
	my $key = shift @names;
	my $i = 0;
	my $idx = 0;
	my $ignore_sub;
	# check key name
	if ($key !~ /^[\w_-]+$/) {
		die "Invalid key '$key' for table $table (wrong file format ?)\n";

	my $multikey = $db->config('COMPOSITE_KEY') ? 1 : 0;

	if ($opt->{ignore_fields}) {
		my %fmap;
		for (my $ct = 0; $ct < @names; $ct++) {
			$fmap{$names[$ct]} = $ct;
		for (split(/[\0\s,]+/, $opt->{ignore_fields})) {
			delete $fmap{$_};
		my $code = 'sub {$a = shift; @$a = @$a[' . join(',', values(%fmap)) . '];}';
		$ignore_sub = eval $code;
		die "Routine to ignore fields bad: $@" if $@;
		@names = grep {exists $fmap{$_}} @names;

	# We skip the whole table if bad field is found
	my $skipping;

	my @keycols;

	if($multikey) {
		my %fmap;
		@fmap{$key,@names} = ($key,@names);
		my $not_all_there;
		for(@{$db->config('_Key_columns')}) {
			push(@keycols, $_);
			next if $fmap{$_};	
			$not_all_there = 1;
		if($not_all_there) {
			$out .= errmsg(
						"Table %s: not all key columns present. Skipping table.",

			$skipping = 1;

	######### Filters
	## Done with so many data items for speed when empty....

	## Holds filter subroutines if any
	my %change;
	## Holds names of filter subroutines if any
	my @filters;
	## Non-zero if found any filter
	my $found_filter = 0;
	######### Filters

	for(@names) {
		my $test = $db->column_index($_);
#::logDebug("checking name=$_");
		if(! defined $test) {
			$out .= errmsg(
						"Table %s: undefined column '%s'. Skipping table.",
			$skipping = 1;
		elsif ($filter{''}{$_} || $filter{$table}{$_}) {
#::logDebug("found filter for name=$_");
			my @things = grep length($_), $filter{''}{$_}, $filter{$table}{$_};
			my $thing = join " ", @things;
			eval {
				$change{$_} = sub {
					my $ref = shift;
					$$ref = Vend::Interpolate::filter_value($thing, $$ref);
			if($@) {
				$out .= errmsg(
							"Table %s: unrequited filter '%s'. Skipping table.",
				$skipping = 1;
			push @filters, $_;
	my %keys;
	if ($opt->{cleanse}) {
		# record existing columns
		my $recs;
		if ($multikey) {
			$recs = $db->query("select " . join(',', @keycols) . " from $table");
			$keys{join("\0", @$_)} = 1 for @$recs;
		} else {
			$recs = $db->query("select $key from $table");
			$keys{$_->[0]} = 1 for @$recs;
	my $count = 0;
	my $totcount = 0;
	my $delcount = 0;
	my $addcount = 0;
	while() {
		($k, @f) = split /$delimiter/o, $_;
		if(/^\f(\w+)$/) {
			$out .= "${tmsg}$count records processed of $totcount input lines.\n";
			$out .= "${tmsg}$delcount records deleted.\n" if $delcount;
			$out .= "${tmsg}$addcount records added.\n" if $addcount;
			$delcount = $totcount = $addcount = 0;
			$db->commit() if $opt->{transactions};
			redo TABLE;
		next if $skipping;
		if(! $k and ! length($k)) {
			if ($f[0] eq 'DELETE') {
				next if ! $opt->{delete};
				next if $multikey;
				$out .= "${tmsg}Deleting record '$f[1]'.\n" if $verbose;
		$ignore_sub->(\@f) if $ignore_sub;
		$out .= "${tmsg}Record '$k' had too many fields, ignored.\n"
			if @f > $idx;

		my %hash;
		@hash{@names} = @f;
		if($found_filter) {
			for(@filters) {

		if($multikey) {
			$hash{$key} = $k;
			if(! $db->record_exists(\%hash)) {
				if($opt->{add}) {
					$out .= "${tmsg}Adding multiple-key record.\n" if $verbose;
				else {
					$out .= "${tmsg}Non-existent record '$k', skipping.\n";
			$k = undef;
		elsif ( ! length($k) or ! $db->record_exists($k)) {
			if ($opt->{add}) {
				if( ! length($k) and ! $opt->{autonumber}) {
					$out .= "${tmsg}Blank key, no autonumber option, skipping.\n";
				$out .= "${tmsg}Adding record '$k'.\n" if $verbose;
			else {
				$out .= "${tmsg}Non-existent record '$k', skipping.\n";

		if ($opt->{cleanse}) {
			if ($multikey) {
				delete $keys{join("\0", map{$hash{$_}} @keycols)};
			} else {
				delete $keys{$k};

		if (@names) {
			undef $@;
			my $key = $db->set_slice($k, \%hash);
			unless ($key) {
				my $msg_raw = "error on update";
				$msg_raw .= ": $@" if $@;
				my $msg = ::errmsg($msg_raw);
				$out .= $msg;


	$db->commit() if $opt->{transactions};

	if ($opt->{cleanse}) {
		# remove any record which hasn't updated
		for (keys(%keys)) {
	$out .= "${tmsg}$count records processed of $totcount input lines.\n";
	$out .= "${tmsg}$delcount records deleted.\n" if $delcount;
	$out .= "${tmsg}$addcount records added.\n" if $addcount;
	$out .= "
"; close UPDATE; if($opt->{'move'}) { my $ext = POSIX::strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", localtime()); rename $file, "$file.$ext" or die "rename $file --> $file.$ext: $!\n"; if( $opt->{dir} and (-d $opt->{dir} or File::Path::mkpath($opt->{dir})) and -w $opt->{dir} ) { File::Copy::move("$file.$ext", $opt->{dir}) or die "move $file.$ext --> $opt->{dir}: $!\n"; } } return $out unless $quiet; return; } EOR