print "LSB script running\n"; require File::Copy; require File::Path; print "File::Copy in\n"; my @mkdirs_root = qw( /etc/interchange /var/lib/interchange /var/cache/interchange ); my @mkdirs_ic = qw( /var/run/interchange /var/log/interchange ); for(@mkdirs_root) { if(-d $_) { } elsif(-e $_) { die "$_ already exists and is not a directory! Abort LSB install.\n"; } else { print "Making directory $_\n"; File::Path::mkpath($_); } chown 0, 0, $_; chmod 0755, $_; } my $ustart = 277; my $gstart = 277; my $icuid = getpwnam('interch'); my $icgid = getgrnam('interch'); while(! $icgid) { system '/usr/sbin/groupadd', '-g', $gstart++, 'interch'; $icgid = getgrnam('interch'); } while(! $icuid) { my @args = ( '-u', $ustart, '-d', '/var/lib/interchange', '-g', 'interch', '-M', 'interch', ); system '/usr/sbin/useradd', @args; $ustart++; $icuid = getpwnam('interch'); } for(@mkdirs_ic) { if(-d $_) { } elsif(-e $_) { die "$_ already exists and is not a directory! Abort LSB install.\n"; } else { print "Making directory $_\n"; File::Path::mkpath($_); } chown $icuid, $icgid, $_; chmod 0755, $_; } my %relocate = qw( /usr/lib/interchange/etc/makecat.cfg /etc/interchange/makecat.cfg /usr/lib/interchange/catalog_before.cfg /etc/interchange/catalog_before.cfg /usr/lib/interchange/catalog_after.cfg /etc/interchange/catalog_after.cfg ); while (my ($from, $to) = each %relocate) { if(-f $to) { $to .= '.lsbdist'; } next unless -f $from; File::Copy::move($from, $to) or die "Unable to move from $from to $to: $!\n"; } my $data; my $configdest = '/etc/interchange/interchange.cfg'; if(-f '/etc/interchange.cfg') { $data = `cat /etc/interchange.cfg`; File::Copy::move('/etc/interchange.cfg', '$configdest.lsbsave'); symlink 'interchange/interchange.cfg', '/etc/interchange.cfg' or die "Unable to symlink /etc/interchange.cfg: $!\n"; } elsif(-f $configdest) { $data = `cat $configdest`; } else { $data = `cat /usr/lib/interchange/interchange.cfg.dist`; } print "Read config data, " . length($data) . " bytes\n"; my @lines = split /\n/, $data; open CONFIG, "> $configdest" or die "cannot write $configdest: $!\n"; my @configextra = qw/ RunDir ConfigDir ConfigAllBefore ConfigAllAfter Inet_Mode Unix_Mode /; my %needed ; for(@configextra) { $needed{$_} = 1; } my %configextra = qw( RunDir /var/run/interchange ConfigDir /etc/interchange ConfigAllBefore /etc/interchange/catalog_before.cfg ConfigAllAfter /etc/interchange/catalog_after.cfg Inet_Mode $unixmode" or die "Cannot write $unixmode: $!\n"; print MODE "Yes\n"; close MODE; } if(! -f $inetmode) { open MODE, "> $inetmode" or die "Cannot write $inetmode: $!\n"; print MODE "No\n"; close MODE; } my $initscript = '/etc/init.d/interchange'; my $logscript = '/etc/logrotate.d/interchange'; my $runwrap = '/usr/sbin/interchange'; my $makewrap = '/usr/sbin/makecat'; for($runwrap, $makewrap, $initscript, $logscript) { if(-f $_) { rename $_, "$_.old" or die "Couldn't rename $_ to $_.old: $!\n"; } } File::Copy::copy('SPECS/interchange-init', $initscript); File::Copy::copy('SPECS/interchange-logrotate', $logscript); my $wrap = <<'EOF'; #!/bin/sh # Interchange control script # Calls Interchange with special locations of files as installed by RPM # IC=/usr/lib/interchange ETC=/etc/interchange RUN=/var/run/interchange LOG=/var/log/interchange RUNSTRING="$IC/bin/interchange \ --unix \ -configfile $ETC/interchange.cfg \ -pidfile $RUN/ \ -logfile $LOG/error.log \ ErrorFile=$LOG/error.log \ PIDfile=$RUN/ \ -confdir $ETC \ -rundir $RUN \ SocketFile=$RUN/socket \ IPCsocket=$RUN/socket.ipc" if test "`whoami`" = root then exec su - interch -c "$RUNSTRING $*" else exec $RUNSTRING $* fi EOF open WRITEWRAP, "> $runwrap" or die "Can't write wrapper script $runwrap: $!\n"; print WRITEWRAP $wrap; close WRITEWRAP; open WRITEWRAP, "> $makewrap" or die "Can't write wrapper script $makewrap: $!\n"; $wrap = <<'EOF'; #!/bin/sh # Interchange make catalog script # Calls Interchange makecat with special locations of files as installed for LSB # ETC=/etc/interchange IC=/usr/lib/interchange RUN=/var/run/interchange LOG=/var/log/interchange CACHE=/var/cache/interchange CATDIR=/var/lib/interchange EXTRA= for i in $* do if test -n "$last" then EXTRA="$EXTRA $last" fi last=$i done RUNSTRING="$IC/bin/makecat \ -permtype U -basedir $CATDIR \ -c $ETC/makecat.cfg \ -catuser interch \ -cgibase /cgi-bin \ -cgidir /var/www/cgi-bin \ -configfile $ETC/interchange.cfg \ -documentroot /var/www/html \ -interchangegroup interch \ -interchangeuser interch \ -linkfile $RUN/socket \ -serverconf /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf \ -vendroot $IC \ logdir=$LOG/$last \ cachedir=$CACHE/$last \ $EXTRA -- $last" exec $RUNSTRING EOF print WRITEWRAP $wrap; close WRITEWRAP; for($runwrap, $makewrap, $initscript) { chmod 0755, $_ or die "Couldn't change mode of $_: $!\n"; }