# Vend::Payment::PayflowPro - Interchange support for PayPal Payflow Pro HTTPS POST # # Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Interchange Development Group and others # Copyright (C) 1999-2002 Red Hat, Inc. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, # MA 02110-1301 USA. package Vend::Payment::PayflowPro; =head1 NAME Vend::Payment::PayflowPro - Interchange support for PayPal Payflow Pro HTTPS POST and PayPal Express Checkout =head1 SYNOPSIS &charge=payflowpro or [charge mode=payflowpro param1=value1 param2=value2] =head1 PREREQUISITES The following Perl modules: LWP Crypt::SSLeay HTTP::Request HTTP::Headers OpenSSL PayPal's Payflow Pro HTTPS POST does NOT require the proprietary binary-only shared library that was formerly used for the Signio and Verisign Payflow Pro services. =head1 DESCRIPTION The Vend::Payment::PayflowPro module implements the payflowpro() payment routine for use with Interchange. It also allows you to accept PayPal via their Express Checkout (your PayPal account must be linked to your PayPal Manager account to do so). It is compatible on a call level with the other Interchange payment modules -- in theory (and even usually in practice) you could switch from a different payment module to PayflowPro with a few configuration file changes. To enable this module, place this directive in F: Require module Vend::Payment::PayflowPro This I be in interchange.cfg or a file included from it. NOTE: Make sure CreditCardAuto is off (default in Interchange demos). The mode can be named anything, but the C parameter must be set to C. To make it the default payment gateway for all credit card transactions in a specific catalog, you can set in F: Variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE payflowpro It uses several of the standard settings from Interchange payment. Any time we speak of a setting, it is obtained either first from the tag/call options, then from an Interchange order Route named for the mode, then finally a default global payment variable. For example, the C parameter would be specified by: [charge mode=payflowpro id=YourPayflowProID] or Route payflowpro id YourPayflowProID or with only Payflow Pro as a payment provider Variable MV_PAYMENT_ID YourPayflowProID The active settings are: =over 4 =item id Your account ID, supplied by PayPal when you sign up. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_ID. =item secret Your account password, selected by you or provided by PayPal when you sign up. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_SECRET. =item partner Your account partner, selected by you or provided by PayPal when you sign up. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_PARTNER. =item vendor Your account vendor, selected by you or provided by PayPal when you sign up. Global parameter is MV_PAYMENT_VENDOR. =item transaction The type of transaction to be run. Valid values are: Interchange Payflow Pro ---------------- ----------------- sale S auth A credit C void V settle D (from previous A trans) Default is C. =item accept_for_review When using Fraud Protection Service, controls whether to accept orders that triggered filters. Set to 1 to accept. You should also consider changing the C column of the transactions table to show that the order was flagged. Something like this in F: status: [calc]return $Session->{payment_result}{RESULT} =~ /^12[67]$/ ? 'flagged' : 'pending';[/calc] =item check_sub Name of a Sub or GlobalSub to be called after the result hash has been received from PayPal. A reference to the modifiable result hash is passed into the subroutine, and it should return true (in the Perl truth sense) if its checks were successful, or false if not. The transaction type is passed in as a second arg, if needed. This can come in handy since, strangely, PayPal has no option to decline a charge when AVS or CSC data come back negative. If you want to fail based on a bad AVS check, make sure you're only doing an auth -- B, or your customers would get charged on orders that fail the AVS check and never get logged in your system! Add the parameters like this: Route payflowpro check_sub avs_check This is a matching sample subroutine you could put in interchange.cfg: GlobalSub <{RESULT} = 112; $result->{RESPMSG} = "The billing address you entered does not match the cardholder's billing address"; return 0; } EOR That would work equally well as a Sub in catalog.cfg. It will succeed if either the address or zip is 'Y', or if both are unknown. If it fails, it sets the result code and error message in the result hash using PayPal's own (otherwise unused) 112 result code, meaning C. Of course you can use this sub to do any other post-processing you want as well. =back B =over 4 =item returnurl B URL where the buyer will return to. Usually set to something like: __SECURE_SERVER____CGI_URL__/ord/paypalgetrequest Create the page in F with contents of: [charge route="payflowpro" action="get"] [if value country eq GB] [value name=country set="UK" hide=1] [/if] [bounce href="[area href=ord/paypalcheckout]"] also, set up F, with contents of: [charge route="payflowpro" action="set"] [if session paypal_token] [bounce href="https://www.[if variable INDEV]sandbox.[/if]paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_express-checkout&token=[data session paypal_token]"] [else] [bounce href="[area href=__CHECKOUT_PAGE__]"] [/else] [/if] Then add the PayPal Checkout button to your basket page: Checkout with PayPal Add a F page similar to your regular checout page, but you may want to disable the editing of the address fields. In addition, you should remove the F and F includes, and change the final C button to include the order profile: [button name="mv_click" text="[L]Place Order[/L]" wait-text="-- [L]Wait[/L] --" form=checkout ] mv_order_profile=paypal mv_todo=submit [/button] In F, immediately after the [elsif variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE] line, look for the [charge] tag, and alter it to include the C parameter, like so: [charge route="[var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]" action="[if value mv_order_profile eq paypal]do[/if]" amount="... Add into the end of the C<[import table=transactions type=LINE continue=NOTES no-commit=1]> section of F: pptransactionid: [calc]$Session->{payment_result}{TRANSACTIONID}[/calc] pppaymenttype: [calc]$Session->{payment_result}{PAYMENTTYPE}[/calc] pppendingreason: [calc]$Session->{payment_result}{PENDINGREASON}[/calc] ppcorrelationid: [calc]$Session->{payment_result}{CORRELATIONID}[/calc] pppayerstatus: [value pppayer_status] ppaddressstatus: [value ppaddress_status] and add these 6 new columns into your transactions table as type varchar(256). The CorrelationID is the one you need in any dispute with them. The payerstatus and addressstatus results may be useful in the order fulfillment process. Add to F, something like: __NAME__ paypal __COMMON_ORDER_PROFILE__ email=required email=email &fatal = yes &setcheck = end_profile 1 &set = mv_payment Incomplete [if variable MV_PAYMENT_MODE] [value name=mv_payment_realtime set=""] &set=mv_payment PayPal ([var MV_PAYMENT_MODE]) &set=mv_payment_realtime 1 [else] &set=mv_payment PayPal [/else] [/if] &final = yes &setcheck = end_profile 1 &setcheck = payment_method paypal __END__ =item cancelurl B URL to go to if the buyer cancels. Usually set to your checkout page: __SECURE_SERVER____CGI_URL__/__CHECKOUT_PAGE__ =item headerimg URL to your custom image to show the buyer during their PayPal.com session. =item reqconfirmshipping This specifies that a Paypal customer must have his address 'confirmed' =item addressoverride This specifies that you will ship only to the address IC has on file (including the name and email); your customer needs to login to IC first before going to Paypal =item use_billing_override Sends billing address instead of shipping to PayPal (use with addressoverride) =back B The following should rarely be used, as the supplied defaults are usually correct. =over 4 =item remap This remaps the form variable names to the ones needed by PayPal. See the C heading in the Interchange documentation for use. =item host The payment gateway host to use, to override the default. =back =head2 Troubleshooting Try the instructions above, then enable test mode. A test order should complete. Then move to live mode and try a sale with the card number C<4111 1111 1111 1111> and a valid future expiration date. The sale should be denied, and the reason should be in [data session payment_error]. If it doesn't work: =over 4 =item * Make sure you "Require"d the module in interchange.cfg: Require module Vend::Payment::PayflowPro =item * Check the error logs, both catalog and global. =item * Make sure you set your account ID and secret properly. =item * Try an order, then put this code in a page:
        my $string = $Tag->uneval( { ref => $Session->{payment_result} });
        $string =~ s/{/{\n/;
        $string =~ s/,/,\n/g;
        return $string;
That should show what happened. =item * If all else fails, consultants are available to help with integration for a fee. You can find consultants here: https://www.interchangecommerce.org/i/dev/support/index =back =head1 NOTE See this URL for Payflow Pro documentation: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/payflow/gs_payflow/ See this URL for PayPal Express Checkout documentation: https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/classic/express-checkout/gs_expresscheckout/ There is actually nothing in the package Vend::Payment::PayflowPro. It changes packages to Vend::Payment and places things there. =head1 AUTHORS Josh Lavin Tom Tucker Mark Johnson Jordan Adler David Christensen Cameron Prince Mike Heins Jon Jensen =cut package Vend::Payment; use Config; BEGIN { eval { require LWP; require HTTP::Request; require HTTP::Headers; require Crypt::SSLeay; }; if ($@) { die "Required modules for PayPal Payflow Pro HTTPS NOT found. $@\n"; } } sub payflowpro { my ($user, $amount) = @_; # Uncomment all the following lines to use the debug statement. It strips # the arg of any sensitive credit card information and is safe # (and recommended) to enable in production. # # my $debug_user = ::uneval($user); # $debug_user =~ s{('mv_credit_card_[^']+' => ')((?:\\'|\\|[^\\']*)*)(')}{$1 . ('X' x length($2)) . $3}ge; #::logDebug("payflowpro called\n" . $debug_user); my ($opt, $secret); if (ref $user) { $opt = $user; $user = $opt->{id} || undef; $secret = $opt->{secret} || undef; } else { $opt = {}; } my %actual; if ($opt->{actual}) { %actual = %{$opt->{actual}}; } else { %actual = map_actual(); } if (! $user) { $user = charge_param('id') or return ( MStatus => 'failure-hard', MErrMsg => errmsg('No account id'), ); } #::logDebug("payflowpro user $user"); if (! $secret) { $secret = charge_param('secret') or return ( MStatus => 'failure-hard', MErrMsg => errmsg('No account password'), ); } my $accept_for_review = $opt->{accept_for_review} || charge_param('accept_for_review'); #::logDebug("payflowpro OrderID: |$opt->{order_id}|"); my ($server, $port); if (! $opt->{host} and charge_param('test')) { #::logDebug("payflowpro: setting server to pilot/test mode"); $server = 'pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com'; $port = '443'; } else { #::logDebug("payflowpro: setting server based on options"); $server = $opt->{host} || 'payflowpro.paypal.com'; $port = $opt->{port} || '443'; } my $uri = "https://$server:$port/transaction"; #::logDebug("payflowpro: using uri: $uri"); $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month} =~ s/\D//g; $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month} =~ s/^0+//; $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year} =~ s/\D//g; $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year} =~ s/\d\d(\d\d)/$1/; $actual{mv_credit_card_number} =~ s/\D//g; my $exp = sprintf '%02d%02d', $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_month}, $actual{mv_credit_card_exp_year}; my %type_map = (qw/ sale S auth A authorize A void V settle D settle_prior D credit C mauthcapture S mauthonly A mauthdelay D mauthreturn C S S C C D D V V A A /); my $transtype = $opt->{transaction} || charge_param('transaction') || 'A'; $transtype = $type_map{$transtype} or return ( MStatus => 'failure-hard', MErrMsg => errmsg('Unrecognized transaction: %s', $transtype), ); my $order_id = gen_order_id($opt); my $precision = $opt->{precision} || charge_param('precision') || 2; $amount = $opt->{total_cost} if ! $amount; if (! $amount) { $amount = Vend::Interpolate::total_cost(); $amount = Vend::Util::round_to_frac_digits($amount, $precision); } my $shipping = $opt->{shipping} || ''; if (! $shipping) { $shipping = Vend::Interpolate::tag_shipping(); $shipping = Vend::Util::round_to_frac_digits($shipping, $precision); } my $salestax = $opt->{salestax} || ''; if (! $salestax) { $salestax = Vend::Interpolate::salestax(); $salestax = Vend::Util::round_to_frac_digits($salestax, $precision); } my $subtotal = $opt->{subtotal} || ''; if (! $subtotal) { $subtotal = Vend::Interpolate::subtotal(); $subtotal = Vend::Util::round_to_frac_digits($subtotal, $precision); } my $phone = $actual{phone_day} || $actual{phone_night}; $phone =~ s/\D//g; my %varmap = (qw/ ACCT mv_credit_card_number CVV2 mv_credit_card_cvv2 BILLTOFIRSTNAME b_fname BILLTOLASTNAME b_lname BILLTOSTREET b_address BILLTOCITY b_city BILLTOSTATE b_state BILLTOZIP b_zip SHIPTOFIRSTNAME fname SHIPTOLASTNAME lname SHIPTOSTREET address SHIPTOCITY city SHIPTOSTATE state SHIPTOZIP zip BILLTOEMAIL email EMAIL email COMMENT1 comment1 COMMENT2 comment2 /); my $action = $opt->{action}; $action =~ s/set/S/; $action =~ s/get/G/; $action =~ s/do/D/; my $tender; $tender = $action ? 'P' : 'C'; # tender must be P for PayPal my $tdb = dbref('transactions') or die errmsg("cannot open transactions table"); my $existing_trans = $tdb->foreign($order_id, 'order_id'); # lookup order_id in transactions, to see what payment_method was. if($existing_trans) { my $pay_method = $tdb->field($existing_trans, 'payment_method'); $tender = 'P' if $pay_method =~ /^PayPal/i; } my %query = ( AMT => $amount, CURRENCY => 'USD', TENDER => $tender, PWD => $secret, USER => $user, TRXTYPE => $transtype, CUSTIP => $Vend::Session->{ohost}, TAXAMT => $salestax, TAXEXEMPT => ($salestax > 0) ? 'N' : 'Y', FREIGHTAMT => $shipping, BILLTOPHONENUM => $phone, BILLTOCOUNTRY => ($actual{b_country} eq 'UK') ? 'GB' : $actual{b_country}, SHIPTOCOUNTRY => ($actual{country} eq 'UK') ? 'GB' : $actual{country}, ); my %paypal_query = ( ACTION => $action, RETURNURL => charge_param('returnurl'), CANCELURL => charge_param('cancelurl'), TOKEN => ($action eq 'S' ? '' : $Vend::Session->{paypal_token}), ALLOWNOTE => charge_param('allow_note'), REQBILLINGADDRESS => charge_param('reqbillingaddress'), REQCONFIRMSHIPPING => charge_param('reqconfirmshipping'), PAGESTYLE => charge_param('pagestyle'), HDRIMG => charge_param('headerimg'), HDRBORDERCOLOR => charge_param('headerbordercolor'), HDRBACKCOLOR => charge_param('headerbackcolor'), PAYFLOWCOLOR => charge_param('payflowcolor'), ITEMAMT => $subtotal, PAYERID => $CGI::values{payerid} || $::Values->{pppayerid}, NOTETOBUYER => charge_param('note_to_buyer') || '*** Discounts and coupons will be shown and applied before final payment', PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT => $amount, ); if($tender eq 'P') { @query{keys %paypal_query} = values %paypal_query; my $i = 0; if ($action ne 'D') { for my $it ( @{ $::Carts->{main} } ) { my $it_price = Vend::Data::item_price($it); my $disc_price = Vend::Interpolate::discount_price( $it, $it_price, $it->{quantity} ); #::logDebug("payflowpro: prices for $it->{code}: it_price=$it_price, disc_price=$disc_price"); $query{ 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NAME' . $i } = $it->{description} || Vend::Data::item_description($it); $query{ 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_NUMBER' . $i } = $it->{code}; $query{ 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_DESC' . $i } = Vend::Data::item_description($it); $query{ 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_AMT' . $i } = $disc_price; $query{ 'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_QTY' . $i } = $it->{quantity}; ##$query{'L_PAYMENTREQUEST_0_TAXAMT' .$i} = ($disc_price/$itemTotal * $taxTotal); $i++; } } $opt->{check_sub} = undef; } else { my $i = 1; for my $it (@{$::Carts->{main}}) { my $it_price = Vend::Data::item_price($it); my $disc_price = Vend::Interpolate::discount_price($it, $it_price, $it->{quantity}); $query{'L_NAME' . $i} = $it->{description} || Vend::Data::item_description($it); $query{'L_COST' . $i} = $disc_price; $query{'L_QTY' . $i} = $it->{quantity}; $query{'L_SKU' . $i} = $it->{code}; ##$query{'L_TAXAMT'.$i} = ($disc_price/$itemTotal * $taxTotal); $i++; } } $query{PARTNER} = $opt->{partner} || charge_param('partner'); $query{VENDOR} = $opt->{vendor} || charge_param('vendor'); $query{COMMENT1} = $order_id if ! $actual{comment1}; if($action =~ /[SG]/) { ## if a PayPal set/get, don't want address, just email. $query{EMAIL} = $actual{$varmap{EMAIL}} if defined $actual{$varmap{EMAIL}}; } elsif($action eq 'D') { ## don't want some. delete $query{ACCT}; delete $query{CVV2}; for (keys %varmap) { $query{$_} = $actual{$varmap{$_}} if defined $actual{$varmap{$_}}; } } else { if ( $Vend::Session->{admin} and $::Values->{order_desk_entry} ) { delete $query{CUSTIP}; # prevent 'IP/Address Mismatch' fraud reports for UI orders } ## these not for PayPal authorizations, only capture/void (and credit cards): $query{ORIGID} = $order_id; $query{EXPDATE} = $exp; for (keys %varmap) { $query{$_} = $actual{$varmap{$_}} if defined $actual{$varmap{$_}}; } } my $gwl = Vend::Payment::PayflowPro -> new({ Enabled => charge_param('gwl_enabled'), LogTable => charge_param('gwl_table'), Source => charge_param('gwl_source'), }) ; { my %munged_query = %query; $munged_query{PWD} = 'X'; $munged_query{ACCT} =~ s/^(\d{4})(.*)/$1 . ('X' x length($2))/e; $munged_query{CVV2} =~ s/./X/g; $munged_query{EXPDATE} =~ s/./X/g; #::logDebug("payflowpro query: " . ::uneval(\%munged_query)); $gwl->request(\%munged_query); } my $timeout = $opt->{timeout} || 45; die "Bad timeout value, security violation." unless $timeout && $timeout !~ /\D/; die "Bad port value, security violation." unless $port && $port !~ /\D/; die "Bad server value, security violation." unless $server && $server !~ /[^-\w.]/; my $result = {}; my (@query, @debug_query); for my $key (keys %query) { my $val = $query{$key}; $val =~ s/["\$\n\r]//g; my $len = length($val); $key .= "[$len]"; push @query, "$key=$val"; $val =~ s/./X/g if $key =~ /^(?:PWD|ACCT|CVV2|EXPDATE)\b/; push @debug_query, "$key=$val"; } my $string = join '&', @query; my $debug_string = join '&', @debug_query; my $reqid = $transtype =~ /^[DVC]$/ ? ($order_id . int(rand(100))) : $order_id; #::logDebug("payflowpro using X-VPS-Request-Id = $reqid"); my %headers = ( 'Content-Type' => 'text/namevalue', 'X-VPS-Request-Id' => $reqid, 'X-VPS-Timeout' => $timeout, 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Architecture' => $Config{archname}, 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Type' => 'Perl', 'X-VPS-VIT-Client-Version' => $VERSION, 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Product' => 'Interchange', 'X-VPS-VIT-Integration-Version' => $::VERSION, 'X-VPS-VIT-OS-Name' => $Config{osname}, 'X-VPS-VIT-OS-Version' => $Config{osvers}, 'PAYPAL-NVP' => ($tender eq 'P' ? 'Y' : ''), ); # Debug statement is stripped of any sensitive card data and is safe (and # recommended) to enable in production. # #::logDebug(qq{--------------------\nPosting to PayflowPro: \n\t$order_id\n\t$uri "$debug_string"}); my $headers = HTTP::Headers->new(%headers); my $request = HTTP::Request->new('POST', $uri, $headers, $string); my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => $timeout); $ua->agent('Vend::Payment::PayflowPro'); $gwl->start; my $response = $ua->request($request); $gwl->stop; my $resultstr = $response->content; #::logDebug(qq{PayflowPro response:\n\t$resultstr\n--------------------}); unless ( $response->is_success ) { my %return = ( RESULT => -1, RESPMSG => 'System Error', MStatus => 'failure-hard', MErrMsg => 'System Error', lwp_response => $resultstr, ); $gwl->response(\%return); return %return; } %$result = split /[&=]/, $resultstr; if($tender eq 'P') { for(keys %$result) { my $v = delete $result->{$_}; $_ =~ s|\[\d+\]$||; # remove length tags for NVP $_ =~ s|^PAYMENTINFO_0_||; # also strip 'paymentinfo_0' $result->{$_} = $v; } } my $decline = $result->{RESULT}; $gwl->response($result); if ( $result->{RESULT} =~ /^0|12[67]$/ and my $check_sub_name = $opt->{check_sub} || charge_param('check_sub') ) { my $check_sub = $Vend::Cfg->{Sub}{$check_sub_name} || $Global::GlobalSub->{$check_sub_name}; if (ref $check_sub eq 'CODE') { $decline = !$check_sub->( $result, $transtype, ); #::logDebug(qq{payflowpro called check_sub sub=$check_sub_name decline=$decline}); } else { logError("payflowpro: non-existent check_sub routine %s.", $check_sub_name); } } my %result_map = (qw/ MStatus ICSTATUS pop.status ICSTATUS order-id PNREF pop.order-id PNREF pop.auth-code AUTHCODE pop.avs_code AVSZIP pop.avs_zip AVSZIP pop.avs_addr AVSADDR /); if ($accept_for_review and $decline =~ /^12[67]$/) { ## flagged for review, or not screened by filters $result->{ICSTATUS} = 'success'; } elsif ($decline) { $result->{ICSTATUS} = 'failed'; my $msg = errmsg("Charge error: %s Reason: %s. Please call in your order or try again.", $result->{RESULT} || 'no details available', $result->{RESPMSG} || 'unknown error', ); $result->{MErrMsg} = $result{'pop.error-message'} = $msg; } else { $result->{ICSTATUS} = 'success'; if($result->{TOKEN}) { ## PayPal transaction. $Vend::Session->{paypal_token} = $result->{TOKEN}; if($action eq 'G') { ## save address details in Values... my %val_map = (qw/ email EMAIL pppayerid PAYERID pppayer_status PAYERSTATUS gift_note NOTE fname FIRSTNAME lname LASTNAME address1 SHIPTOSTREET address2 SHIPTOSTREET2 city SHIPTOCITY state SHIPTOSTATE zip SHIPTOZIP country SHIPTOCOUNTRY company SHIPTOBUSINESS phone_day PHONENUM b_address1 STREET b_address2 STREET2 b_city CITY b_state STATE b_zip ZIP b_country COUNTRYCODE ppaddress_status ADDRESSSTATUS /); for (keys %val_map) { $::Values->{$_} = $result->{$val_map{$_}} if defined $result->{$val_map{$_}}; } } } } for (keys %result_map) { $result->{$_} = $result->{$result_map{$_}} if defined $result->{$result_map{$_}}; } #::logDebug('payflowpro result: ' . ::uneval($result)); return %$result; } package Vend::Payment::PayflowPro; use Vend::Payment::GatewayLog; use base qw/Vend::Payment::GatewayLog/; # log_it() must be overridden. sub log_it { my $self = shift; my $request = $self->request; unless ($request) { ::logDebug('Nothing to write to %s: no request present', $self->table); return; } unless ($self->response) { if ($Vend::Payment::Global_Timeout) { my $msg = errmsg('No response. Global timeout triggered'); ::logDebug($msg); $self->response({ RESULT => -2, RESPMSG => $Vend::Payment::Global_Timeout, }); } else { my $msg = errmsg('No response. Reason unknown'); ::logDebug($msg); $self->response({ RESULT => -3, RESPMSG => $msg, }); } } my $response = $self->response; my %fields = ( trans_type => $request->{TRXTYPE} || 'x', processor => 'payflowpro', catalog => $Vend::Cfg->{CatalogName}, result_code => defined ($response->{RESULT}) && $response->{RESULT} =~ /^-?\d+$/ ? $response->{RESULT} : undef, response_msg => $response->{RESPMSG} || '', request_id => $response->{PNREF} || '', order_number => $request->{COMMENT1} || '', request_duration => $self->duration, request_date => $self->timestamp, email => $request->{EMAIL} || '', request => ::uneval($request) || '', response => ::uneval($response) || '', session_id => $::Session->{id} || '', request_source => $self->source, amount => $request->{AMT} || '', host_ip => $::Session->{shost} || $::Session->{ohost} || '', username => $::Session->{username} || '', cart_md5 => '', ); if (@$Vend::Items) { my $dump = Data::Dumper -> new($Vend::Items) -> Indent(0) -> Terse(1) -> Deepcopy(1) -> Sortkeys(1) ; $fields{cart_md5} = Digest::MD5::md5_hex($dump->Dump); } $self->write(\%fields); } 1;