use ExtUtils::MakeMaker; require ExtUtils::Install; BEGIN { eval { require FindBin; chdir $FindBin::RealBin; }; } use Config; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use File::Basename; use File::Find; use Data::Dumper; use Cwd; require 5.005; use strict; use vars (qw($VERSION $DOWARN)); my $TermRead; my $Prompt_sub; my @mods_to_get; my $Lock_troubles; $VERSION = '4.04'; # See if we have the CPAN module my $Cpan = 0; my $CpanInit; eval { die if $^O =~ /win32/i; unless( -f ".cpan.tried") { open TMP, ">.cpan.tried" and close TMP; require CPAN::Config; require CPAN; import CPAN; } unlink ".cpan.tried"; }; unless($@) { $Cpan = 1; } my @os_hints; eval { # gets package 'mvhints' require ''; @os_hints = mvhints::get_hints(); }; my @chown_files = qw/ error.log etc minivend.cfg /; # Now we can use the libraries use lib './lib'; my $origdir = fastcwd(); # See if we have Term::ReadLine::Perl eval { require Term::ReadLine; require Term::ReadLine::Perl; require Term::ReadKey; $TermRead = 1; }; unless($@) { $ENV{PERL_RL} = 'Perl'; } elsif ($Cpan) { push @mods_to_get, 'Term::ReadKey', 'Term::ReadLine::Perl'; } my $term; if($TermRead) { $term = new Term::ReadLine 'MakeFile'; $Prompt_sub = sub { my($prompt, $default) = @_; $prompt .= "[$default] " if defined $default && !$ENV{PERL_RL}; return $term->readline($prompt, $default); }; } my $Windows = $^O =~ /win32/i ? 1 : 0; sub compare_file { my($first,$second) = @_; return 0 unless -s $first == -s $second; local $/; open(FIRST, $first) or return undef; open(SECOND, $second) or (close FIRST and return undef); binmode(FIRST); binmode(SECOND); $first = ''; $second = ''; while($first eq $second) { read(FIRST, $first, 1024); read(SECOND, $second, 1024); last if length($first) < 1024; } close FIRST; close SECOND; $first eq $second; } sub install_file { my ($srcdir, $targdir, $filename) = @_; my $srcfile = $srcdir . '/' . $filename; my $targfile = $targdir . '/' . $filename; my $mkdir = File::Basename::dirname($targfile); my $extra; my $perms; if(! -d $mkdir) { File::Path::mkpath($mkdir) or die "Couldn't make directory $mkdir: $!\n"; } if (! -f $srcfile) { die "Source file $srcfile missing.\n"; } else { $perms = (stat(_))[2] & 0777; } if( -f $targfile and ! compare_file($srcfile, $targfile) ) { open (GETVER, $targfile) or die "Couldn't read $targfile for version update: $!\n"; while() { /VERSION\s+=.*?\s+([\d.]+)/ or next; $extra = $1; $extra =~ tr/0-9//cd; last; } $extra = 'old' unless $extra; while (-f "$targfile.$extra") { $extra .= '~'; } rename $targfile, "$targfile.$extra" or die "Couldn't rename $targfile to $targfile.$extra: $!\n"; } File::Copy::copy($srcfile, $targfile) or die "Copy of $srcfile to $targfile failed: $!\n"; chmod $perms, $targfile; } sub copyright_prompt { print < MiniVend is free under the terms of the GNU General Public License. EOF } sub my_prompt { return $_[1] if $MV::Default{force}; return &$Prompt_sub(@_) if defined $Prompt_sub; my($pr) = shift || '? '; my($def) = shift; my($ans); print $pr; print "[$def] " if $def; chomp($ans = ); $ans ? $ans : $def; } sub cpan_get { my($module, $libdir, $prompt) = @_; print <{makepl_arg} = "INSTALLPRIVLIB=$libdir/lib INSTALLARCHLIB=$libdir/lib INSTALLSITELIB=$libdir/lib INSTALLMAN1DIR=none INSTALLMAN3DIR=none INSTALLSITEARCH=$libdir/lib INSTALLDIRS=perl"; $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where} = "$libdir/src" unless -w $CPAN::Config->{keep_source_where}; $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home} = "$libdir/src" unless -w $CPAN::Config->{cpan_home}; $CPAN::Config->{build_dir} = "$libdir/src" unless -w $CPAN::Config->{build_dir}; return CPAN::install($module); } sub extra_libs { my ($realdir) = @_; # Do the extra library checks my @extra_lib_dirs; my @extra_lib_files; # We will use our own version of File::CounterFile always push @extra_lib_dirs, 'File'; push @extra_lib_files, 'File/'; eval { require IniConf; }; if ($@) { push @extra_lib_files, ''; } eval { require HTML::Entities; }; if ($@) { push @extra_lib_dirs, 'HTML'; push @extra_lib_files, 'HTML/'; } eval { require Business::UPS; }; if ($@) { push @extra_lib_dirs, 'Business'; push @extra_lib_files, 'Business/'; } eval { require Storable; }; unless ($@) { my $def = 'y'; print <_db_storable") or die "creat _db_storable: $!\n"; print TSTORABLE "REMOVE THIS FILE TO STOP USING Storable\n"; close TSTORABLE; } if ($ask =~ /^\s*(y|s)/i) { open(TSTORABLE, ">_session_storable") or die "creat _session_storable: $!\n"; print TSTORABLE "REMOVE THIS FILE TO STOP USING Storable\n"; close TSTORABLE; } } COPYEXTRA: { my $cpdir = '.'; mkdir $cpdir, 0777 unless -d $cpdir; mkdir "$cpdir/lib", 0777 unless -d "$cpdir/lib"; for(@extra_lib_dirs) { next if -d "$cpdir/lib/$_"; mkdir "$cpdir/lib/$_", 0777 or die "mkdir $cpdir/lib/$_: $!\n"; } for(@extra_lib_files) { File::Copy::copy ("extra/$_", "lib/$_") or die "Couldn't copy $_: $!\n"; } } } sub mk_initp { my ($ref) = @_; local($Data::Dumper::Terse); $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1; open (INITP, ">scripts/") or die "Can't write $!\n"; print INITP '$MV::Self = '; print INITP Dumper($ref); print INITP ";\n1;"; close INITP; } sub initialize { my %X; $X{INSTALLDIRS} = "perl"; $X{EXE_FILES} = [qw( scripts/compile_link scripts/config_prog scripts/configdump scripts/dump scripts/expire scripts/expireall scripts/localize scripts/makecat scripts/minivend scripts/offline scripts/restart scripts/update )]; $X{PL_FILES} = {qw( scripts/compile_link.PL scripts/compile_link scripts/config_prog.PL scripts/config_prog scripts/configdump.PL scripts/configdump scripts/dump.PL scripts/dump scripts/expire.PL scripts/expire scripts/expireall.PL scripts/expireall scripts/localize.PL scripts/localize scripts/makecat.PL scripts/makecat scripts/minivend.PL scripts/minivend scripts/offline.PL scripts/offline scripts/restart.PL scripts/restart scripts/update.PL scripts/update )}; if(! $MV::Default{force} and ! $MV::Default{PREFIX}) { if($> == 0) { $MV::Default{PREFIX} = '/usr/local/minivend'; } else { $MV::Default{PREFIX} = "$ENV{HOME}/mvend"; } } if($MV::Default{rpmbuilddir} or $MV::Default{RPMBUILDDIR}) { $X{RPMBUILDDIR} = $MV::Default{rpmbuilddir} || $MV::Default{RPMBUILDDIR}; $MV::Default{RPMBUILDDIR} = $X{RPMBUILDDIR}; } return %X if $MV::Default{nocopy}; my $uid; if($> == 0 and ! $MV::Default{MINIVEND_USER} and ! $Windows) { $uid = my_prompt( qq{MiniVend cannot be run as root. Which user should run MiniVend? }, 'minivend', ); open(UID, ">_uid") or die "Can't write uid file: $!\n"; print UID "$uid"; close UID; } elsif (! $Windows) { eval { $uid = scalar getpwuid($>); }; } if($uid) { open(UID, ">_uid") or die "Can't write uid file: $!\n"; print UID "$uid"; close UID; } for(@Config{ qw/ archlib archlibexp privlib privlibexp sitearch sitearchexp sitelib sitelibexp / }) { die "Can't install in Perl library!\n" if $MV::Default{PREFIX} eq $_; } my $realdir; if(! $MV::Default{final}) { ©right_prompt(); $realdir = my_prompt( "Where is your MiniVend to be installed? ", $MV::Default{PREFIX}, ); print "\n"; $realdir =~ s:[\\/]\s*$::; $MV::Default{final} = $realdir if $Windows; } else { $realdir = $MV::Default{final}; } $X{INSTALLSCRIPT} = "$realdir/bin"; $X{INSTALLBIN} = "$realdir/bin"; $X{INSTALLARCHLIB} = "$realdir"; $X{INSTALLPRIVLIB} = "$realdir/lib"; if(! $MV::Default{final}) { $X{INSTALLMAN1DIR} = "$realdir/doc" if ! $MV::Default{INSTALLMAN1DIR}; $X{INSTALLMAN3DIR} = "$realdir/doc" if ! $MV::Default{INSTALLMAN3DIR}; } if (! -f 'pod/mvtags.pod') { chdir 'lib' or die "Cannot chdir to ./lib: $!\n"; system("$^X Vend/ > ../pod/mvtags.pod"); chdir '..' or die "Cannot chdir back to ..: $!\n"; } my @re_dir = qw( simple/download ); my @re_copy = qw( ../pod/mvtags.pod simple/download/mvtags.pod ../pod/mvdocs.pod simple/download/mvdocs.pod ../pod/mvfaq.pod simple/download/mvfaq.pod ); if($Windows) { mk_initp(\%X); my ($in, $out); my $ref = delete $X{PL_FILES}; if(! -d 'bin') { File::Path::mkpath('bin'); } my (@f); while ( ($in, $out) = each %$ref) { system "$^X $in"; if($?) { die "Error making $in into $out: $!\n"; } my $targ = $out; $targ =~ s:.*/::; File::Copy::copy($out, 'bin'); push @f, "bin/$targ"; system "pl2bat.bat $out"; if($?) { warn "PL2BAT did not succeed for $out.\n"; } else { File::Copy::copy("$out.bat", 'bin'); push @f, "bin/$targ.bat"; } } # Check for extra needed libraries extra_libs($realdir); my $wanted = sub { return unless -f $_; push @f, $File::Find::name; }; File::Find::find($wanted, 'lib'); for (@f) { install_file('.', $realdir, $_); } } if($MV::Default{final}) { $ = 0; for(glob "_*") { File::Copy::copy($_, $realdir); } open(MANI, "MANIFEST") or die "No MANIFEST?\n"; my (@files) = ; close MANI; @files = grep m:^dist/:, @files; chomp(@files); @files = map { s:^dist/::; $_} @files; # New install_file routine chdir 'dist'; for (@re_dir) { mkdir $_, 0777; } while ($_ = shift @re_copy ) { my $from = $_; my $to = shift @re_copy; push @files, $to; File::Copy::copy($from, $to); } for (@files) { install_file('.', $realdir, $_); } for(@os_hints) { my ($condition, $routine) = @$_; unless (ref($condition) =~ /CODE/ and ref($routine) =~ /CODE/) { warn <(); my $odir = cwd(); chdir $realdir or die "Cannot chdir to $realdir: $!\n"; $routine->(); } if(-f "$realdir/_uid" and $> == 0) { open(UID, "$realdir/_uid") or die "Can't open uid file: $!\n"; my $uid = ; close UID; $MV::Default{MINIVEND_UID} = getpwnam($uid); $MV::Default{MINIVEND_GID} = getgrnam($uid); for(@chown_files) { chown $MV::Default{MINIVEND_UID}, $MV::Default{MINIVEND_GID}, "$realdir/$_"; } } chdir '..'; exit; } MODCHECK: { last MODCHECK unless $Cpan; eval { require Digest::MD5; }; push(@mods_to_get, 'Digest::MD5') if $@ and $Cpan; eval { require SQL::Statement; }; push(@mods_to_get, 'SQL::Statement') if $@ and $Cpan; eval { require Safe::Hole; }; push(@mods_to_get, 'Safe::Hole') if $@ and $Cpan; eval { require MIME::Base64; }; push(@mods_to_get, 'MIME::Base64') if $@ and $Cpan; eval { require URI::URL; }; push(@mods_to_get, 'URI::URL') if $@ and $Cpan; } local($); $ = 0; MODGET: { last MODGET unless $Cpan; my $odir = cwd(); unless (-d 'build') { mkdir('build', 0777) or die "Couldn't make build directory for CPAN: $!\n"; } chdir 'build' or die "Couldn't chdir to build directory for CPAN: $!\n"; my $mod; foreach $mod (@mods_to_get) { my $ok = eval { cpan_get($mod, $realdir)}; if (! $@) { $CpanInit = 1; print "\n\n"; } else { print "\a\n$mod get failed.\n\n"; } } chdir $odir or die "Couldn't return to original dir $odir: $!\n"; } # Check for extra needed libraries extra_libs($realdir); mk_initp(\%X); delete $X{RPMBUILDDIR}; return \%X; } sub regularize { for (@_) { s/[\\]\n//g; s/\n\s+/ /g; s/\s+$//g; } wantarray ? @_ : $_[0]; } sub MY::install { my $self = shift; local *install; sub dont_warn { \*install; } my $new = <<'EOF'; VERBINST=0 mv_install :: $(PERL) Makefile.PL force final=$(INSTALLARCHLIB) install :: all pure_install doc_install mv_install EOF $new .= <MM::install; s/\ninstall :.*/$new/; $_; } my %mv_specific = qw/ PREFIX 1 FORCE 1 FINAL 1 RPMBUILDDIR 1 MINIVEND_USER 1 /; my %delete; use Getopt::Long; my @saveargs = @ARGV; my %optctl = ( 'junk' => sub { 1 }, '<>' => sub { my ($arg) = @_; #warn "checking option $arg\n"; my ($opt, $val); if($arg !~ /=/) { $opt = $arg; $val = 1; } else { ($opt, $val) = split /=/, $arg, 2; } $delete{$arg} = 1 if $mv_specific{uc $opt}; $MV::Default{$opt} = $val; return; }, ); my @options = ( qw/ junk <> / ); Getopt::Long::config(qw/permute/); GetOptions(\%optctl, @options) or die "Bad option get\n"; # use Data::Dumper; # $Data::Dumper::Terse = $Data::Dumper::Indent = 2; # print "ARGV: " . Dumper(\@ARGV); # print "OPT: " . Dumper(\%MV::Default); @ARGV = grep ! $delete{$_}, @saveargs; if($Windows) { &initialize; } else { WriteMakefile( NAME => "MiniVend", MAN3PODS => { 'pod/mvdocs.pod' => 'blib/man3/mvdocs.8', 'pod/mvtags.pod' => 'blib/man3/mvtags.8', 'pod/mvfaq.pod' => 'blib/man3/mvfaq.8', }, DISTNAME => "minivend", clean => { FILES=> "lib/ _uid _db_storable _session_storable lib/File/ scripts/ scripts/compile_link scripts/config_prog scripts/configdump scripts/dump scripts/expire scripts/localize scripts/expireall scripts/makecat scripts/minivend scripts/offline scripts/restart scripts/update dist/simple/download/mvdocs.pod dist/simple/download/mvtags.pod dist/simple/download/mvfaq.pod pod/mvtags.pod", }, dist => { CI => "ci -l -t-Initial", SUFFIX => ".gz", DIST_DEFAULT => 'all tardist', COMPRESS => "gzip -9f", ZIP_FLAGS => '-pr9', }, VERSION_FROM => "scripts/minivend.PL", EXE_FILES => [], CONFIGURE => \&initialize, ); }