U P G R A D I N G F R O M 3 . 0 x You should normally be able to simply install over the current software and then restart the server. The only incompatible changes are bug fixes (which may fool any workarounds you have made). The "simple" demo runs mostly unchanged from MiniVend 3.01 to 3.09. The usual source of any upgrade problems is illegal syntax in tags, which might work on earlier versions but is rejected in later, stricter versions. Especially check nested [if ...] tags -- some problems can be solved by putting a [then] [/then] around the true-executed condition. One gotcha has to do with the [page scan/se=whatever] tag in NewTags mode. If you have a URL like this you will need to surround it with a [compat] [/compat] pair, or better yet remove the first slash and make it [page scan se=whatever]. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is highly recommended that you copy the current software to a backup directory or an archive in case there is a problem and you wish to return to the earlier version. See the file WHATSNEW for more information. U P G R A D I N G F R O M 2 . 0 3 There are a few "gotchas" for 2.0x upgrades: * If you have not changed the PriceBreaks directive from the demo (you should disable it unless you are actually using quantity pricing) you will get a message in the error log that "no pricing database is defined". If you are using quantity pricing, you will have to set it up as a database with at least the fields "sku" and "price" by placing those words on the first line, separated by a TAB -- and your pricing must be separated from the part number by a TAB as well. * The CheckoutFrame, OrderFrame, SearchFrame, and any other frame settings are now empty by default. If you use frames, you must explicitly define those directives. * Perl 5.002 will not work with MiniVend 3.0, and you must update. * The Cookies directive is now enabled by default. * If you have produced a custom catalog template for use by the makecat program, you cannot place two directives directly after one another. An example is the VendURL definition of '__MVC_SERVERNAME__MVC_CGIURL'. That now must be '__MVC_SERVERNAME____MVC_CGIURL__' which places underscores around the entire name of the substitution target. * If you are still using the old-style report with $variable substitution, you must define the NewReport directive to 'No'. * If you use the 'f' formula shipping type in shipping.asc, you must either replace the 'x' that was used for the substitution of the total to @@TOTAL@@, or you must set the OldShipping to Yes. The change to the shipping.asc file is recommended, as without it you will not be able to use the new shipping features of MiniVend. -------------------------------------------------------------