SERVERNAME The server base location for this catalog. It can be any of
     www.[value CATALOGNAME].com
     www.[value CATALOGNAME].com:8000[value CATALOGNAME]
Or many variations.
DOCUMENTROOT The base directory for HTML for this (possibly virtual) domain. Often it is [value HOMEDIR]/www, [value HOMEDIR]/html, or [value HOMEDIR]/public_html.
CGIDIR The location of the normal CGI directory.

If all CGI programs must end in .cgi, it would normally be the same as the HTML directory.
CGIURL The URL location of the CGI program, without the http:// or server name. Usually one of:

    /cgi-bin/[value CATALOGNAME]
    /[value CATALOGNAME].cgi
You may also define aliases that are essentially the same in use; to use the internal HTTP server you must define one of /[value CATALOGNAME]. IMAGEDIR Where the image files should be copied. A directory path name, not a URL. Put NONE in if you don't wish to copy images.
SAMPLEHTML Where the sample HTML files should be installed. Usually a subdirectory of your HTML directory.
CATROOT Where the MiniVend files for this catalog will go. This should not be in the HTML directory! The default usually works well.
IMAGEURL The URL base for the sample images. Sets the ImageDir directive in the catalog configuration file. This is a URL fragment, not a directory or file name. It would be something like the bold portion of:
        /[value CATALOGNAME]/images/icon.gif

HOMEDIR The home directory to base everything out of if this is a virtual domain.