- adjust title of olinks (see if just id/title= works) - adjust iccattut to use tarball install paths -see how AcrossLocks works... does it open tables directly, or opens all tables so you dont have to put perl tables= - see why 'attribute' glossentry isn't found -make all-lowercase options for other auto* entitites too - manpages, first line of loses linebreaks - work on bin/mkreport - provide static files for download, describe keys like alt+n - documentation for bounce and restrict is ignored - some small error in glossary/pragma at the bottom, [tag pragma]0[/tag] - see if the files we parse in bin/stattree in block (like parseVendConfig, parseVendInterpolate) allow some stuff to go unaccounted for mkreport - with tags from Interpolate.pm, context for systemtag is not always 'whole file', but can be x-y as well - dal autogen preskoci kontekst koji je prazan? i zasto uopce unkondicionalno - rijesit html_std/_ext i opcije ekspandira @$ctx ako moze da nema konteksta? - fix link to howtos after changing format - link to howtos from ref pages - order counter, Session->{mv_order_number}, cronjob -0001, or file da-te.counter, or session_id.time - Change -latest to version number in tarball download - fix/update AdminUser docs - aliases like DataDir/DefaultTables are not documented - unit testing - remove NEW from - In tags, make XSLT code print position number besides "Yes" word in positional parameters for tags - note in configuration glossentry to use '' to skip values - Check ConfigDatabase and DirectiveDatabase. Is description correct? One seems to be wrong - preprocessor directives in configuration ? - FAQ should be desintegrated to other places - what doesn't racke like with WHATSNEW - replace itemlists with sections or tables - component tag has wrong source context Entities to create: - \0 null char - table/column/key should be defined in docbook/literals.ent as ROW_TABLE... - DEFAULT_JOINER_N for \n - SAFE_DATA Outstanding: ======= - Can *_page pragmas take ITL and not just subroutine names? - See that if 'crypt' is put in see also, all symbols of that name appear in see also line and their type is distinguished visually. - TAXAREA is not discovered in source by bin/stattree - Make MapRoutined source contexts have Line: x-y instead of Lines: z header. - recognize situations where contexts overlap, but in a special way that first example does not see the other, but the other sees the first becase of 10 lines of pre-context. (example is IMAGE_MOGRIFY refentry). In those cases, resize area of the context report so that it appears as one - With confs, also include source context where it is being used - In vars.html, include line if it appears in variable.txt - match style (no starting verb or all starting verbs) in all Example titles - check if all Default fields are properly formated ( or none) - make regexp matching better, to properly scan parse_subroutine(); (gets confused by { { in a substitution) - in refs, replace "database" with "database_name", that kind of things - import my hand-made test from /var/lib/.../pages/* to appropriate ref pages as online examples - At least in filters, <I name three things that IC users often didn't acknowledge: namespaces (CGI, Values, Scratch) parsing order ([L], variables, lists) - interpolation inventing syntax doesn't buy you anything IC is _not_ a programming language - how to delete item from cart in all possible ways - give examples for the tasks in 'do yourself' section (in progress) - give good practices about filtering, security - see problems from old docs/TODO notes on iccattut - files/tutorial*: s/tutorial-*.log/tutorial.*.log/ GLOSSARY: Say about accesskeys in html source, for key-based navigation tag, interpolation, reparse, symbol types catalog/global variable, tag,ui, action, form, unix inet socket, values, regex, flypage, sku NON DOCS RELATED - Image tag, sort out mgkpath thing Nice but not fitting the idea - CVS 'ident' command - Suppress inline docs (in source) for items that have xmldocs docs - In source contexts, for tags, highlight tagCanon and provide with short explanation and example In IC source: - No $Vend::XTrailer on , etc.. - missing

s - lowercase SELECTED/CHECKED ? Check CartTrigger[Quantity] Community-contributed usertags (was usertag.pod before 4.7.0; too messy) icstart - Getting Started Guide * FAQ for each demo catalog (foundation, construct, barry, artstore) * FAQ for each database (DBM, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle) * FAQ for each payment processor (Payflow Pro, Authorize.net, etc.) http://host/cgi-bin/cat?mv_pc=RESET (clears it, for debugging) Otherwise mv_pc does double duty as a cache foiler, and is a meaningless, incrementing integer. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- iccattut: Switch to new payment settings instead of mv_cyber_mode etc. To add Discuss profile.order verification options like 'zip=zip' and then explain why we don't actually use that one much unless it's for a U.S.-only store Problems? [on-match] gets used if search returned no results on an empty search string. Why? Doubled-up CC verification errors: No error message is given in [error] if required form variables weren't passed at all (vs. being simply empty) No error message if profiles.order can't be found Discuss using images (from old mvdocs): A public Web directory for inline image graphic files is needed. Interchange does not serve the images, only the HTML tags calling them. A useful convention is to place all buttonbars, backgrounds, and icons in the /images directory, with the catalog items located in the /images/catalog directory. Regardless of the directory structure, an I must be used. Relative paths are unacceptable. Use the I directive, which places that as the absolute path in front of all relative IMG and INPUT SRC, and BODY, TABLE, TR, TH, and TD BACKGROUND specifications.